Posted By on September 19, 2011

Last week I turned the ripe, OLD age of 34. I had planned to write a post about it because my birthday is my absolutely most favorite day of the year. But when I opened up my laptop and started to write, all that came out was some depressing shit. So I just scrapped it and went to bed.

See, 34 is almost 35. And I have had these arbitrary goals and deadlines in my head for when I turn 35. And now that is less than a year away. And holy overwhelming Batman! (Also, key word being arbitrary and that NOTHING WILL HAPPEN IF I DO NOT DO SAID THING BY THE TIME I AM 35!)

The big one is that I’ve always said, in recent years, that if I wasn’t married and a mom by the time I was 35, then 35 was the year I would start to make that happen. And again, holy overwhelming Batman. That is NEXT FUCKING YEAR! I don’t think I’m ready for that. I freaked myself out so much I had to sit down and breathe through a paper bag. Over an arbitrary deadline and AN IMAGINARY BABY!

My birthday ended up being fantastic. I was very meh about it and reminded people of it only once a day, as opposed to once an hour. My co-workers decorated my cube and gave me some lovely flowers and a nice card. And then! One of them made a cake and they all sang to me and we ate delicious pound cake!

For lunch, I met my friends Jen and Kelley for a delicious meal of a burger and fries. After a bit more work, I headed out and went to dinner with another friend in my neighborhood. There I had a lot of wine and great food and the company was even better. I used to work with my friend Jennifer and I hadn’t seen her in a long time and it was good to catch up on more than just short emails.

This last Sunday, I made everyone come out to our football bar to drink beer and watch football with me. It was perfect and everyone showed up and we all had a great time! Well, that I can remember. There were a lot of shots involved and then even more shots. But the best part of day drinking is that you’re done before 6 PM and it is easy to get a lot of rest!

Overall, it was a perfect birthday. And I’m not done celebrating because I still have my celebration with Noah and Skyler and my brother and SIL next weekend. My birthday is the party that keeps on going.

34 will be a good year. I’m sure of it. I’m finally in a job that I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE. I have great friends and an amazing family. I’m a very, very lucky girl.

Sweetness indeed.

About the author

Kristabella, who also answers to “Hey! Drunk Girl!”, is a reformed band geek with an amazing ability to drink most people under the table. You can read her inane ramblings here, where she talks about her exciting life as a spinster with two cats and a fascination for Bacon.


11 Responses to “34”

  1. Jessica says:

    Happy belated birthday! I hope 34 is fantastic for you 🙂
    Jessica´s last blog post ..Naked Lunch.

  2. The EOB says:

    So far I’m happy with 34 too 🙂

  3. Betsey says:

    Happy belated! Hope we can celebrate with you in SF next week!

  4. Angella says:

    Hooray for great birthdays and many days of celebrations. You deserve it. 🙂
    Angella´s last blog post ..The World Wide Web

  5. Alice says:

    Lookin’ good ms 34! week-long celebrations are the absolute minimum.
    Alice´s last blog post ..The second-to-last pic might be my favorite bridal portrait ever. Like in all of history.

  6. Corey says:

    Happy Bibthday!

    35 is not that much different than 34 so far. 😉 Enjoy and don’t stress.

  7. Jennie says:

    Happy belated birthday, my friend!
    Jennie´s last blog post ..No longer chained to our house by of babies or batshit weather

  8. i remember 34 (vaguely – – it was a LONG time ago). It was a very good year, as I recall.

    Hope yours is a very good year also! 🙂

    Liz J
    Liz J in Central Illinois´s last blog post ..Daddy’s Little Girl

  9. Fairy Godmother says:

    Happy Birthday to my Fairy God Daughter! May 34 and all the years to come be very happy for you! Love and kisses!

    PS Did you get our card?

  10. Happy Birthday Kristabella!!!!
    Aly ~ Cooking In Stilettos´s last blog post ..Fab Friday — All Things Williams Sonoma

  11. Mahnee says:

    You are “sweetness” indeed!