
| November 7, 2012

The theme of today’s Photo a Day thing on Instagram is reflection. Or that was yesterday’s theme. Regardless, it got me thinking about today and yesterday and, yes, politics. I’m not an overly political person. I have become more so in my old age, which I love because I love having more knowledge about what […]

Tough Enough

| November 22, 2011

I consider myself to be one tough cookie. I mean, I have to be. I live alone and have to do everything for myself. Plus, I like to think that moving 3,000 miles away from home to go to college where you didn’t know a soul and then up and do it again four years […]


| September 19, 2011

Last week I turned the ripe, OLD age of 34. I had planned to write a post about it because my birthday is my absolutely most favorite day of the year. But when I opened up my laptop and started to write, all that came out was some depressing shit. So I just scrapped it […]

When You’re In Debt*

| July 27, 2011

Disclaimer: This post is not judging anyone, nor anyone’s situation, nor what anyone said. This is simply MY story. The dialogue on Twitter today made me think about my situation and my situation alone. Everyone has their own story. I just wanted to share mine. The end. Now everyone hug! There was a discussion on […]

Mad Women

| July 2, 2011

Hey, remember when I said I was going to post every day? I really tried, but I should have consulted my calendar before making that promise. Because last week I had plans every night of the week. And come Thursday night, after all that drinking (there was quite a bit, says my liver), I just […]