Star Date 400

Posted By on August 17, 2008

Dude, I just showed my nerdiness right there by pulling out a Star Trek reference. To be clear, I love The Next Generation. I only like the Tribbles episode in the original series.


So this is my 400th post! Are you all so excited? I mean, it only took me about 2 years to reach this elusive level. A level a lot of bloggers reach in a little over a year because they write everyday or close to it. They don’t write about being overwhelmed and then FALL OFF THE FACE OF THE EARTH.

I’m still here. I was not swallowed up by the FIVE HOUR INTERVIEW OF DEATH. (I told them to shove their interview up their assholes.) I’m still overwhelmed and I’m trying to deal with it. A job would really help that situation.

Anyway, I’m not here to talk about that. I’m here to celebrate my 400th POST OF AWESOMENESS! Where awesomeness = LOTS OF CAPS AND EXCLAMATION POINTS!

Oh, and Bacon!

So in honor of my 400th post, I wanted to do something special for all of you. All of you who continue to come here and read these posts for God only knows what reason.

Nic suggested that I give out gifts. And we both agreed, the prize should involve bacon. Because what more would all of you want than a Bacon gift?

The correct answer is nothing.

I’m giving away not one, but TWO, prizes to TWO lucky readers.

First prize will be this lovely prize, of Mr. Bacon vs. Monsieur Tofu.

And second prize will be Bacon band-aids!

I know you’re all going to be fighting over these fabulous prizes. Who wouldn’t want BACON BAND-AIDS?

To enter, leave a comment and tell me why you deserve to win. Bonus points awarded for saying nice things about me and/or Bacon. Or your creative uses for one of the prizes, i.e. going to work with a Bacon band-aid on your nose or photographing Monsieur Tofu stealing bacon from the fridge in the middle of the night.

I’ll keep the contest open until Wednesday night at 10 PM CST.

Good luck! Comment away!

About the author

Kristabella, who also answers to “Hey! Drunk Girl!”, is a reformed band geek with an amazing ability to drink most people under the table. You can read her inane ramblings here, where she talks about her exciting life as a spinster with two cats and a fascination for Bacon.


50 Responses to “Star Date 400”

  1. HouseofJules says:

    Congratulations on #400! I’ve only been around for the past, oh, say, 250* of them, but I’ve loved them all!

    I love your prizes. I think if I won the band-aids, I’d wear them on my mouth the next time I went out, just to see how long it would take for a man to… oh wait, I was about to write something that might be embarrassing. Wait, is it embarrassing to say that I’d wear bacon band-aids on my mouth to see how long it would take a man to try and eat my face?

    Yes, it probably is. Oh well, I’ve typed it out so I suppose I’ll leave it. I could say more but I’ve done enough damage for one night. Congrats again and BRING ON THE BACON!
    House of Jules

    *A total approximation that I pulled out of thin air, I have nothing to back that number up.

    HouseofJuless last blog post..Putting the Hump in Humpday: Parallel, perpendicular or diagonal hardly matters if I’m enveloped in that wing span

  2. Lissa says:

    What wouldn’t I do with bacon band aids! The possibilities are endless! Obviously whenever I wear them I would provide you with photographic evidence. No, VIDEO! I’m thinking a smell my finger montage where I have strangers see if they can SMELL THE BACON. Okay perhaps thats just creepy.

    Anyway I’m a train wreck and they would be put to good use.

    Also you’re funny. The tornado post almost made me pee in my pants from laughter.

    Lissas last blog post..Fear

  3. Lissa says:

    Oops I forgot to say congrats on your 400th post. So congratulations!

    Lissas last blog post..Fear

  4. Missy says:

    Whoo! Congrats on your 400th.

  5. Melina says:

    First off, congrats on the 400th post! Secondly,I deserve the prize because now that I’m pregnant I crave bacon ALL the time. Apparently, my future son loves bacon more than me!

  6. slynnro says:

    I deserve to win because:

    A) I am fantastic

    B) I bought Pooples a bacon air freshener for Christmas. I mean really, we clearly love the bacon around here.

    slynnros last blog post..In Which I Channel Sandra Lee

  7. moo says:

    ok seriously, if I win, I’m going to donate my prize. Because there’s something tricksy about applying bacon bandaids on the arm of a pregnant woman … I just might gobble it off myself at some point.

    moos last blog post..John Denver

  8. Issy says:

    I deserve to win because I actually bought the bacon mints off of last year and gave them out as gag Christmas gifts. And I do mean GAG…I tried one. Bacon = food of the gods. Bacon + Mint…not so much.

    And congrats on 400 posts! I’m still reading your archives, but so far everything I’ve read has been BACON.

    (^Trying to start a new trend here, where bacon is the new slang for awesome. I think it could work!)

  9. Willow says:

    Oh wow! What wouldn’t my kids give for bacon bandaids (or ‘plasters’ as we call them on this side of the water). Actually who am I kidding, what wouldn’t I give, never mind them? Sadly, I’m ineligible as I live in England but PLEASE tell me who makes them so I can see if I can get them here.

    Big congratulations on your 400th post, that’s some achievement – here’s to the next 400.

  10. Nicole says:

    Um. Well, I have a vegan coworker who can’t even bear to watch others eat meat.

    I think either would sufficiently appall her. 🙂 I would put Mr. Bacon and Mr. Tofu on my desk (perhaps with Mr. Bacon giving Mr. Tofu the smackdown) and use the bacon bandaids for numerous paper cuts I get. Because I push paper.

  11. Ree says:

    Congratulations!!! Yay you!

    And since you know I’m waging my own personal “Get Fit and Healthy” war, I think I deserve the Mr. Bacon vs. Monsieur Tofu – because, Dude – I so fight that battle every freakin’ day.

    Rees last blog post..The ABCs of Meme – Awards – and My Foot

  12. Melissa says:

    Oooo, I want the bandaids…I’m going to get a big ol’ shot in the elbow. Could you imagine the look on Dr. Hottie’s face when I slap a bacon bandaid on my boo boo?

    Congrats on your 400th post…now gimme some bandaids 😉

    Melissas last blog post..Photo Story Friday…..

  13. ali says:

    bacon band-aids?
    best thing since sliced bread.

    alis last blog post..2 conversations, 2 problems and one birthday princess

  14. Angella says:

    Bacon Band-Aids?


  15. Jenn says:

    I am going to pass on this contest because (a) the Olympics have turned me off to the French and I think I would just end up painting an American flag on Monsieur Tofu and (b) I am a little disturbed that these things not only exist, but that you found them.

    I am going to silently rock myself in a corner now.

    Happy 400th!

    Jenns last blog post..Gossip and Boundaries

  16. Mouncie123 says:

    Yea 400 postings and I have read every one from the start…I look forward to reading them everyday and I miss you when you go MIA for a few days. I love the bacon items and can’t believe you find that stuff and share it. don’t get all crazy about the job thing your a smart girl and you will make it just like you always do. Stay strong sister!

  17. Michelle says:

    I deserve to win because I have never had the experience of tasting bacon. 🙁
    Congratulations on 400 posts!!!

  18. Ashmystir says:

    I deserve to win because I adore famous and fabulous people such as you!


    Ashmystirs last blog post..Monday: Pictures Pages

  19. Lori says:

    Congrats on #400 – I can’t believe it’s been that many already.

    AND…send me the band-aids! I think it would be hilarious to stick one on the wall and see if Lola would try to lick it. She loves her the bacon!

  20. Noelle says:

    Congrats on 400. I think I deserve to win because I’m a tofu-munching vegetarian who LOVES the smell of bacon. Not that I eat it, I just like to smell it.

    Noelles last blog post..The top 10 things I learned this weekend

  21. Evil Genius says:

    When I win the prize, I’m going to stick my bacon bandaids on my nipples. What better way to entice a man’s…ahem…attentions to that highly erotic area?

    And as for Mr. Bacon and Mr. Tofu? I would engineer the two of them tiny little saddles so that they could ride atop my two cats. It would be an honor for Milo and Oliver to transport such persons of high regard.

    Before eating them.

    Evil Geniuss last blog post..On 09/25/2008, You Know Where I’ll Be…

  22. Evil Genius says:

    Good grief, I forgot to congratulate you on the 400th post! Yay!!!!! Keep ’em coming!

    Evil Geniuss last blog post..On 09/25/2008, You Know Where I’ll Be…

  23. Allison says:

    YAY FOR YOU!!! Congrats on the 400 posts…they are truly entertaining!

    I would love to have the Bacon v. Tofu, or the bandaids, but mostly the Bacon v. Tofu BECAUSE…

    My friend that lives in Chicago has become a vegetarian. I am planning a trip to visit her over Labor Day weekend and would love to have an apocalyptic fight over the yumminess that is BACON!!

    Allisons last blog post..All Dogs Go To Heaven…

  24. beej says:

    1. Boy, you and Bacon sure smell of delicious frying meats! It’s intoxicating.

    2. My kid was BORN WITH CANCER and BREATHES AND EATS THROUGH TUBES. Clearly, I deserve bacon.

    3. I believe the world series, heisman, and Super Bowl trophies should be made of bacon.

    4. Did I mention intoxicating?

    beejs last blog post..Moonday!

  25. beej says:

    also, it was my birthday the day before this post!

    beejs last blog post..Moonday!

  26. 1) Congratulations on #400! 2) I deserve to win because I was forced to have SOY BACON on Sunday. It was straight, dry and quite possibly could have been made by Fisher Price for use in a 3 year old’s plastic kitchen.

    Serendipitous Girls last blog post..Weekend ABC’s – W is for Wants, Writers & Wishes

  27. The Muse says:

    Dude. 400 posts? That’s awesome! I’m at… (running to check)… 540, but that’s been over the course of 3.5 years (I started blogging about a month before I met CB).

    As for the Bacon win, I think the Bacon Band-aids would go perfect with CB’s Bacon Wallet that he uses to pay every Sunday we go out for breakfast to the Hickory House where we get biscuits and gravy with a huge side of BACON!

    The Muses last blog post..Moved. Mostly.

  28. Jill says:

    Hi there – and CONGRATS on your 400th blog!! OMG I wish I had even 100 blogs to boast about – although, if I would just actually write everything that’s in my head – I’d have well over 400!!

    Oh – and if you choose me – I’ll wear the bacon bandages on my piggy toes – since I’m wearing the cutest shoes on earth – that are also killing my piggly little toes!! Wouldn’t THAT be funny – BACON bandages on my piggy toes!! ha ha!!

    Jills last blog post..Scary Mary . . . oh you poor girl . . .

  29. Mahnee says:

    Congrats on #400! I have loved every single post.

    Ummm, no one mentioned that there’s a PRIZE in the bandaids. Bacon bandaids & a PRIZE????? It’s like the adhesive answer to Cracker Jack!

  30. Wow 400! That’s a great feat! I deserve to win because I have the bacon vs. tofu fight with my bf all the time and it would be awesome to reenact it for real, of course tofu winning.

    Dutchess of Kickballs last blog post..No plans are good plans

  31. regan says:

    I deserve to win because I can’t stop eating cheetos and I blame you.

    regans last blog of conscience blogging. wheeeee!

  32. Rhi says:

    I would like to win this. And, I’d also like to remind you that I’m coming to visit you in November and we’ll totally buy you dinner AND drinks while we are there.

    Rhis last blog post..Friday Bullets! Bed Rest Edition

  33. Alice says:

    dang.. 400 is a lot. i’m at.. uh… 300ish? over 2.5 years? i guess? i’m not so good at the math.

    do you know about bacon salt? it’s currently IN MY CUPBOARD, oh yes it is.

    Alices last blog it forward wonderfulness continues!

  34. Nancy says:

    ! ! ! ! Congratulations on the 400th ! ! ! !

    mmmmm, bacon … ALWAYS trumps tofu

    Nancys last blog post..Smorgasboard Monday

  35. Vanessa says:

    Congrats on 400! Where did you find the Bacon bandaids? Those rock!

  36. Bacon bandaids=true meaning of comfort food
    Go ahead-let me win
    oh and p.s. You are awesome

    Sensibly Sassys last blog post..New And Exciting!

  37. heidikins says:

    Those are awesome.

    And I think Bacon is the best of the meats because it is non-discrimanatory. It’s multi-hued, right there on it’s face. Tofu and chicken and turkey? All racists. And steak? That’s the worst offender of all. Pork is only slightly less offensive because it’s related to bacon…but that’s about it’s only redeeming quality.


    heidikinss last blog post..What is “Business Casual”? Please HALP!

  38. jonniker says:

    Right, so while I wanted to comment to say hey, congratulations, rest assured that I can’t handle those … bacon things in my house, despite my love for bacon. It’s a weird So I do not need to win anything.

    Incidentally, bacon IS one of the few foods I can handle while pregnant. Although its popularity really is waning, as I think I overdid it. See? I don’t even deserve it. This week’s food: grilled cheese.

  39. jonniker says:

    It’s a weird WHAT, Jonna? WHAT? Oh clearly, I should have edited my comment. I’ve no idea what I was trying to say there. Sorry.

    jonnikers last blog post..And So …

  40. Sarah says:

    OMG I NEED the bacon bandaids because bacon makes everything better!
    Oh, and you are very pretty.
    And nice.
    And smart.
    And completely employable.
    How’s that?

    Sarahs last blog post..Weekend In Indy.

  41. Jackee says:

    OMG! I love bacon, and since my husband doesn’t eat pork, I never get enough. Not real bacon anyway. I also work in health care and really could use the Bacon Bandaids…I mean, really, they are a MUST HAVE.
    Congratulations on your 400th post! If I make it to 100 I’ll be happy!

    Jackees last blog post..Fun Fact Friday-Olympic Style

  42. Scarlet says:

    I deserve to win because I believe with all my heart that bacon makes every other food better.

    Scallops + Bacon = OMG

    sushi + bacon = MUST BE DONE

    asparagus + bacon = appetizer heaven

    pizza + bacon = been there, done that

    BLTs are my favorite sandwich and whenever I find out someone is a vegetarian I ask, “BUT DON’T YOU MISS BACON!?!?!?!?!?” Crazy hippies.

    Scarlets last blog post..Transport Is Arranged

  43. Raven says:

    If I win, the sprog will be sent to school wearing the bacon band-aids, even if he doesn’t have reason to be. Yes, I will traumatize my young with bacon, for SCIENCE!

  44. Jenn says:

    I would put the band aids on a turkey sandwich and eat them.
    Then I would have indigestion.

  45. Hank says:

    Because I keep kosher. I can’t actually eat bacon. Bacon Band Aids are the closest I’ll ever get…and I want to live vicariously through the Band Aids.

    Hanks last blog post..Distracted

  46. I think I should win. One, because I love bacon like nobody’s business, and two, because I haven’t won anything in months and it would be a lovely surprise with which to end the summer.


  47. #1 I rock.

    #2 You rock — even more.

    #3 I have gone on record as stating that bacon + chocolate = BEST TASTY TREAT EVER.

  48. janelle says:

    omg! what cool prizes!!! i’m not usually very lucky, but i’ll definitely be keeping my fingers crossed for this giveaway!!!

    janelles last blog post..What Role Do You Play?

  49. janelle says:

    oh shit…i forgot to butter you up and tell you why i deserve to win…dammit…ok…so…you crack me up and i think you’re really cool and yeah. how is that for being a suckass? I honestly do think you totally rock though. So. Why should I win? I have a three year old who makes me crazy most of the time and a little bacon love would make me smile 🙂 I’d probably even be willing to wear the bacon bandaids to a staff meeting or attach the tofu & bacon to my computer monitor for entertainment 🙂 now i’m done.

    janelles last blog post..What Role Do You Play?

  50. whitney says:

    Congrats on 400! And um, I love bacon! I have a “Bacon is a Vegetable” sticker on my fridge. My life would not be complete without bacon. Also, I am forever in awe of your Cheeto stealing abilities.(Am I too late to be doing this? It’s almost 11pm here pacific time…though this is all stuff I would have said regardless of fabulous prizes!)

    whitneys last blog post..Let the Sunshine In