My Last Monday

Posted By on March 21, 2011

If you don’t follow me on Twitter, then you probably aren’t aware of my news. Well, here you go – today was the last Monday I will work at my current job.

That’s right, kids, I GOT A NEW JOB!

/smattering of applause

If you know me outside this blog at all, you know this is really huge! And also very awesome! And I’m super excited! I’ve been looking forward to this for a long time.

That’s all I’m going to tell you. Because that’s all you need to know. But just know I’m really excited about the opportunity and I’m happy to be working downtown again and to be able to take public transportation to work!

In preparation of my new gig, I have already purchased a new lunch tote. I also bought a new purse. And I have wrapped up a lot of my projects at work. And now I’m a little bored, but know this is temporary.

This is only the second time in my life that I have quit a job. Seeing as this will be my sixth job since college (and fifth since starting this blog), that goes to show I get laid off quite frequently (three times!). And while I don’t prefer being laid off, I have to say, it is much easier on the nerves and stomach. Because giving notice is not fun. Even if you know you’re making the right move, or you hate your job/boss/co-workers, it isn’t fun to drop that bomb on anyone.

Add to that the fact that I am the world’s biggest people pleaser, and you can see why my stomach was in knots about just the THOUGHT of doing this. Once I had to actually do it, I almost vomited all over myself and my keyboard.

But I put on my Big Girl Panties and got it over with. And it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be (it never is). So now I just have to finish out this week and I will be on to bigger and better things.


About the author

Kristabella, who also answers to “Hey! Drunk Girl!”, is a reformed band geek with an amazing ability to drink most people under the table. You can read her inane ramblings here, where she talks about her exciting life as a spinster with two cats and a fascination for Bacon.


26 Responses to “My Last Monday”

  1. Raven says:

    Congratulations!! (again 🙂 )
    Raven´s last blog post ..“super” weekend

  2. Keith B says:


    Good Luck with the new job.

  3. Jenn says:

    Congrats!!! Unrelated to anything…I thought of you immediately this weekend when I accidentally made ‘bacon-flavored coffee’! Hubby was cooking breakfast and I didn’t pay attention to the spoon I used to stir my coffee. The spoon was filled with bacon grease he’d planned to use to cook his eggs. The surface of my coffee looked like The Exxon Valdez incident, but it didn’t taste half bad!

  4. Jenn says:

    PS I didn’t drink it. Lest you worry about my coronary artery.
    Jenn´s last blog post ..The Cure

  5. Mahnee says:

    YAY for you!!!!

  6. lceel says:

    Good for you. You go girl. Hmmm. A bit redundant, that – given that you ARE, in fact, going. Oh well. Give ’em hell.
    lceel´s last blog post ..2s Day – the Second full day of Spring

  7. Fronz says:

    WAHOOO!!!! I’m sooooo happy for you! [Way to strap on those Big Girl Panties.] We must celebrate! 🙂

  8. Congrats Kristabella! So happy for you!
    Aly ~ Cooking In Stilettos´s last blog post ..It’s A Crumb Cake Type Of Day…

  9. Chris says:


  10. I’m really excited for you as you go off in this new direction. A new lunch bag and a new purse are nice things to do for yourself. New accessories are always morale boosters.

    I gave notice at a job last year and it was really stressful, but I was so relieved once I did it. Then, like you, I worked hard to wrap things up and leave on a good note.

    Looking forward to lots of good blogs posts in the coming weeks about how happy you are.
    Jen on the Edge´s last blog post ..Listing

  11. Denora says:

    YAY!! I’m excited for you! Good luck at the new place!
    Denora´s last blog post ..Guest Post- The Jen

  12. gorillabuns says:

    CONGRATS!!!! Can’t wait to hear about your new adventures! and your new lunch bag.

  13. -R- says:

    -R-´s last blog post ..Grumpy

  14. Wow! I must have missed this on Twitter somehow. But CONGRATULATIONS!!! Awesome news and I hope your new job is fabulous.
    Rebecca (Bearca)´s last blog post ..I cant believe Im posting this

  15. Lisa says:

    Congratulations! Good luck at the new place…may there be no coffee creamer thieves there. (Will you be leaving a parting container of creamer on the theif’s desk your last day?)
    Lisa´s last blog post ..fabric scale

  16. Angella says:

    Congrats, K! Excited for you!! 🙂
    Angella´s last blog post ..Spring Breaking

  17. Alice says:

    uggghhhh giving notice is the WORST. although i imagine being laid off is also pretty much the worst, so i’m not sure which is worst-er.
    Alice´s last blog post ..fried

  18. kirida says:

    Yahooooo! Congratulations! You definitely deserve a new lunch tote, and put an extra twinkie in it so at your new job you can make a friend. That’s what my mom told me to do at school.
    kirida´s last blog post ..A Salute to Julia Child at Chateau Ste Michelle

  19. Sarah says:

    Congrats! I’m super stoked for you. When I saw the title I was a little afraid you were getting laid off again. I’m glad you’re finally having a positive job move. It’s empowering isn’t it? Good Luck!
    Sarah´s last blog post ..Trouble and a Half

  20. Fairy Godmother says:

    Congratulations Kris! I’m happy for you!

  21. Amy says:

    Congrats on the new gig!

  22. Congrats! I’m really happy for you!
    Liz J in Central Illinois´s last blog post ..Back Soon

  23. bikerchick says:

    Hey congrats KJ! You must be some talent to land a new gig in this economy! w00t for public transportation, esp the L in the summer with the random delays without power! Hey funny story about new lunch totes. I recently started a job and bought a new tote too. Many people bring their lunches so there’s a big sign on the fridges that they get cleaned on Friday unless you mark your stuff. So…of course I forgot my leftovers. But they not only chucked my yogurt, but my brand new one of a kind tote! Careful where you leave that, I guess. 😉 Congrats again!

  24. jodifur says:

    Congrats. And jealous. I feel like I’ve been looking for a new job forever.

  25. Congrats, can’t wait to hear how your first day went today 🙂
    Sensibly Sassy´s last blog post ..Music Monday- Motown

  26. Melissa says:

    Wow! I come back and all of my bloggers come back at the same time. Congrats on the new job, I can tell how excited you are…good for you!
    Melissa´s last blog post ..Uhm- Can I Get Your 411