All Up In My Grill

| June 2, 2015

It is no secret around these parts that I murdered a dentist in my former life and have been paying for it ever since. I even have a category on here for my multiple posts about going to the dentist and how awful it is and how my mouth is the most expensive thing I […]

Hot Chocolate

| November 9, 2014

I ran a 15k today, what did you do? I want to actually write about it because it was kind of a feat of physical and mental toughness, but I’m so tired from having to get up before 5 AM that I need to get to bed. So I’ll fill you all in tomorrow when […]

Sun Devil Saturday

| November 8, 2014

Feels awesome to be a Sun Devil today! Even after they almost gave me a heart attack. 8-1!!!

Are They Meant For……Sitting?

| November 7, 2014

They are doing some major streetscape work on a street that I walk on to get to the train every day. It is the very stupidest thing the City has ever done. It made a really busy east-west street two lanes instead of four. And all of it was done for a wider sidewalk with […]


| November 6, 2014

So I actually posted this on my old site, here, last night. I was out drinking with a friend to watch the Browns/Bengals game at a giant Browns Backer bar. But I wanted to keep up my end of this blogging thing, so I posted hastily from my phone. What I didn’t realize is that […]