I’ve Been Busy…Busy Doing Nothing

Posted By on August 28, 2011

So I think I’ve decided to grow out my bangs. I’m not planning to have them be sideswept ultimately, but I think that’s going to be the style I go with while I grow them out. Even though I feel like I look like an idiot with sideswept bangs. But it is better than the Farrah Fawcett look.


Last Sunday Daisy invited me out on a boat. It was an amazing evening to go out for a sail. And I had never been out on a sailboat. And this was the boat that had won the Race to Mackinac. It was a few hours filled with fresh air, fun people and great views of our beautiful city.


This weekend I had to work. Well, only Friday and Saturday, but that was enough. My company had a booth at a Health & Fitness Expo downtown in one of the hotels for the Chicago Triathlon. I was opening the exhibit hall on Friday afternoon and since it was close to the office, I figured I would just bring all the materials with me in a box. How could that ever go wrong?

I decided to drive instead of take a big, heavy box on public transit. In my head, I didn’t have to carry BIGHEAVYBOX very far. In my head, I was so, so wrong. SO WRONG.

1) I underestimated the weight of the box.

2) I forgot that I was not parking my car on my floor of the building I work in.

3) I forgot that I didn’t get to park my car on the expo hall floor. Which means I had to carry BIGHEAVYBOX for a REALLY LONG WAY.

4) And this is what BIGHEAVYBOX did to me.

So don’t mind me, I’ll be over here in long pants and long sleeves lest someone at work begins to wonder if my cats are beating me.

About the author

Kristabella, who also answers to “Hey! Drunk Girl!”, is a reformed band geek with an amazing ability to drink most people under the table. You can read her inane ramblings here, where she talks about her exciting life as a spinster with two cats and a fascination for Bacon.


7 Responses to “I’ve Been Busy…Busy Doing Nothing”

  1. Jessica says:

    Those damn big heavy boxes are always suckering people in. I hate how they can manage to look twenty pounds lighter when, try as I might, I just can’t.
    Jessica´s last blog post ..Damn You, Diapers.

  2. Mahnee says:

    YIKES!!!!!!! You bruise worse than i do!!!! Hope it looks worse than it feels.

  3. Darcey says:

    OMG, sweetie! Those look awful!

    Try finding Arnica Gel – at Whole Foods, there is a brand called “Arniflora” – if you rub that over the bruise, it will help it to fade faster. (I think it helps the blood break down and be reabsorbed by the body more quickly – I had some nasty bruises that looked like that, and with the gel, they were gone in about 3 days!)

  4. Angella says:

    Oh my goodness!! Poor girl.

    Envious of the sailboat trip – I’ve never been on one. 🙂
    Angella´s last blog post ..Date Night

  5. Jacki says:

    My word! I saw the tweets but this is crazy! Yikes.

  6. holy crap! Was that box filled with angry mma fighters?!
    Sensibly Sassy´s last blog post ..Sassy Sidenote: I’m Big In Mexico!