A New Houseguest

Posted By on June 27, 2010

Casa Kristabella has yet another house guest. Her name is Bella and she is a hyper little bitch.

What? She’s a female dog!

The cats are not as pleased as they were the last time we brought in a house guest.

This is what Simba has been doing when he’s not hissing at Bella. He’s not very happy with me.

I haven’t seen Kitty Kitty in a day. Last I saw her, she was scratching up my skin and ripping holes in my shirt when I tried to get her away from the dog. So I let her go under the bed in the 2nd bedroom and she’s been there ever since. I hope she comes out to use the litter box or eat.

(Actually I sleep with the dog at night with my door closed so the cats can have free reign of the house during the night. And Bella will be in her crate all day while I’m at work this week, lest you think I am abusing my cats.)

Having Bella in my house for the last 24 hours has taught me a few things. One, dogs don’t really belong in condos. I just feel so bad for her when she clearly wants to be outside and play in the fresh air, but she can’t because if I let her out on my patio, she would jump to her death. Because she’s kind of dumb. And two, if and when I get a dog, I need a lazy dog. Not a hyper one. One that is more like Ali’s dog Indiana, who moves as much as I do in a day, which is to say not a lot. See?

But it is fun having Bella for the week. She thinks it is so awesome to go for walks throughout the city neighborhoods! And she’s so small that all we need is a trip around the block and she’s worn out. So I can still be lazy.

Plus, she’s kind of cute, so we’ll keep her around for the week while her family is on vacation, no matter what the cats prefer.

About the author

Kristabella, who also answers to “Hey! Drunk Girl!”, is a reformed band geek with an amazing ability to drink most people under the table. You can read her inane ramblings here, where she talks about her exciting life as a spinster with two cats and a fascination for Bacon.


14 Responses to “A New Houseguest”

  1. Jenn says:

    OMG – that last pic is a killer! I’m such a sucker for a smooshed up face! Great post!
    Jenn´s last blog post ..Oh- For the Love of Bike

  2. Libby says:

    You know your cats are going to punish you when Bella leaves, right? Cause they will…

  3. Scarlet says:

    I love dogs, but I hate pets.
    Scarlet´s last blog post ..House Of Cards

  4. Raven says:

    My friend does Pug rescue, she currently has 4, two that are hers and two that are fosters.

    They can be crazy hyper little things!
    Raven´s last blog post ..migraines- bloggers and tea houses- oh my-

  5. gorillabuns says:

    is Bella named Bella from the Twlight series?

  6. Angella says:

    Bella is so cute! (Iggy has made me a fan of the pug face.)
    Angella´s last blog post ..Somewhere In The Middle

  7. Mahnee says:

    Good luck this week!

  8. My girls would do anything for a pug. I admit that they’re cute, but we’re still not getting a dog. Or a cat. Or any other living creature. Just cleaning up after my family is more than enough without adding a furred/feathered/finned creature.
    Jen on the Edge´s last blog post ..Disconnected- part 2

  9. TUWABVB says:

    She is adorable! But yes, hyper dogs can be a lot of work. We went from havnig a dog that was lovingly referred to as an “ottoman” or a “pet rock,” to a tweeked-up-meth-head that can’t keep still. The change is a lot to handle! Lazy dogs rule.
    TUWABVB´s last blog post ..One Year Later

  10. TUWABVB says:

    And by the way, it is so sweet of you to watch the dog for your family – that’s the biggest source of stress when I’m out of town and it would mean a lot to me to know that someone close to me was watching my pup. So kudos to you – even if you’ll be on your cats’ shitlist for weeks. 🙂
    TUWABVB´s last blog post ..One Year Later

  11. Jacki says:

    She’s beautiful! I know firsthand what a pain in the a*s it can be to have a pug. I married into one, I don’t believe we will be getting another when he decides to go.

  12. Alice says:

    aw man, that last picture is awesome. SO CUTE! uh, sorry the cats have taken to crippling you in protest..
    Alice´s last blog post ..The Not-So-Olympic Olympics

  13. Rhi says:

    I just decided that we need to have a dog over. I think it would be a great workout routine for The Goo.

  14. I was just discussing with my sister if there was anything awesome about pugs, apparently there is in tiny little week long doses? Yes?

    I’m still not convinced.

    Cats ftw.
    moosh in indy.´s last blog post ..inspired now with more cat-