Stupid Pet Tricks
Posted By Kristabella on February 26, 2009
So the other morning I woke up and when I came out into the living room, I saw this.
And I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking 1) Wow, you really need to vacuum that rug and 2) so you’re lazy and left your boot under the coffee table. Tell us something shocking. Yawn.
See, I take my boots off as soon as I come in the door. I have hardwood floors and the melted snow and salt leaves stains that are a pain to clean up. I’m a slob, but I’m not going to be tracking slop all over the house, creating MORE things for me to clean. See, this is where the boots go.
By the front door. With my other shoes. This is where they always are.
So I know what you’re thinking, “big deal! Your coffee table is probably not that far from your door. It is quite possible that when you stumbled drunkenly into the kitchen one night to eat some string cheese, you accidentally kicked the boot under the table.”
Well, yes, it is quite possible. But I hadn’t been drinking. And I would REMEMBER kicking a boot this far. Because it would be EXERCISE.
I have only one culprit.
But seriously, how the fuck did she drag a heavy, size 11 fake Ugg boot across the living room? HOW? And what was she going to so with it? Build a nest? Create a fort? WHAT?
Maybe she’ll adopt it as a “baby” π My cat did that with a pair of gloves I bought a couple of years ago. She drags them all over the house with her, plays with them, snuggles with them and keeps them near (or in) her food dish. She’ll also drop them near your feet if she wants attention or to be fed. It’s like her own alert system…. That would be pretty funny if your cat did the same thing with a boot! π
Erins last blog post..Footnotes
She’s way cuter than my, ahem SCOTT’s cat. Wanna trade? His cat doesn’t drag boots under coffee tables, but he will lie on top of your computer keyboard while you’re typing…
Camels & Chocolates last blog post..Isnβt it Ironic
Omg! I thought you were going to show a picture of a dog but no it was a cat. That is hilarious! I think maybe your cat thinks it’s a dog.
Stephanies last blog post..All a Twitter
At last! For once the dog didn’t get blamed.
Just beware of strange offerings left by cats in shoes.
Dans last blog post..My First Car
My boyfriend’s cat likes to, um, “love” stuffed animals. He will find one that’s twice his size and carry it in his mouth to a different part of the house. I can definitely see how your cat could carry your boot that far. Sneaky little buggers.
tutugirl1345s last blog post..The sun’s a little brighter now
You should not question the actions of Cat. They are, after all, superior beings to us. π
Nicoles last blog post..Grace in Small Things 1/365
Oh, Kitty Kitty, you silly girl! I actually thought it looked kinda scary…like the rest of the clothing and body parts would be some place else.
She just wanted your scent near her!!!!!
Aw she was playing! How cute. My cat has been playing with a rolled up ball of socks for about a week now, I have literally found this pair in every room of the house. Those silly kitties.
Maybe it looked like prey… like, maybe a raccoon or something? Obviously she would have to attack a raccoon in your living room! She was just defending you from possible rabies.
nancypearlwannabes last blog post..Testing… Testing…
your cat is a dog!
alis last blog awfully big adventure (or: bomb. dropped.)
Oh my beasts do that to us too. I think it is their way of messing with us!
Christinas last blog post..The beat goes on
My guess is she tried to climb inside the boot and pushed it all the way over to under the table. Because cats are weird and like to smash their faces in stinky places.
tmcs last blog post..Learn something new today (plus a contest!)
She clearly had friends over.
By the way, I used to have this cat, Tucker, who carried this HUGE stuffed animal around in his mouth.
Rhis last blog post..One Year
Of course it was the cat. She has to remind you every now and again that she’s running the show, via mystical feats of feline strength.
Mine like to parade their power over me by drowning my cell phone. Good times.
that’s pretty cute. my dog likes to dig my wonderoos out of the laundry basket and traipse around the house with them.
Thanks wombat!
Decembers last blog post..Just like a ride at the circus. WHEE!
She’s so cute in that pic!
Maybe your cat has dog friends that she lets in when you’re out?
Angellas last blog post..Recession Proofing Your Marriage
Yeah, I don’t know what it is about pets, shoes and sticking their faces in them.
My parents’ dog will steal my dad’s leather slippers as soon as he takes them off, drag them by her spot by the fireplace and stick her nose in them as she falls asleep.
I wish we could post pictures here. If we could, I would show you how I keep all my shoes (and my sons) lined up in the hall neatly because we don’t wear shoes in the house. Yet when I come home from work – at least 2 or 3 are all over the place. Also all over the house? Stuffed animals. Our cat (Kitty Boo Boo) loves to play with shoes and little stuffed animals. I have no idea why. Or even how because when I try to get her to play with them when I’m home she just looks at me like I’ve smoked something strange. The cats? Are crazy! Wonder what that says about us as owners…
Ha ha, this post was so funny! I love the string cheese line. I would die if string cheese didn’t exist in the world.
La Petite Chics last blog post..Grace Trois
So what I thought when I saw that first picture was “OH MY GOD, DISEMBODIED FOOT!” I think I need to lay off the TV crime dramas.
I have visions of the cat wandering around with the boot on her head and bonking into things..a la’ “America’s Funniest Home Videos.” On second thought, set up a camera, catch her in the act and win $10k. She may as well earn her keep! π
TUWABVBs last blog post..Dreams are illustrations… from the book your soul is writing about you.
Aww, but look at that face! So pleased with herself! Maybe she was trying to get onto your blog, in which case it worked.
Amanda Nicoles last blog post..Friday link fest: lazy weekend crafts
Duuuuuuuuuuuuude. Vacuuuuuuuuum. Seriously.
slynnros last blog post..Just Call Me Emelda.
My small cat, Kalli, hasn’t been able to carry my shoes around the apartment yet but I expect she will in time. She is a force to be reckoned with. Right now she’s content with dropping pennies in my shoes because she likes to carry pennies around and play with them.
Your cat is gorgeous. Also, I also thought Disembodied foot as well and was wondering who was murdered in your apartment.
DMs last blog post..Sad. So very sad.
My cat climbs halfway into the bags that I bring home groceries in and then runs helter skelter while blind.
Cats are stooooopid.
Giggle Pixies last blog post..Hands Off, Ladies! Heβs Mine!
I think it’s clear what happened…the cat got its head stuck in the boot and stumbled around blindly until it bumped into the coffee table which freed it from the offending shoe.
At least that’s what happened in my mind because it makes me laugh. A lot.
Ravens last blog post..dear john (target),
No cats here, so no quirky kitty quips. But I’m going with Cat Domination Theory, from Callers #14,11 and 5 in that order — Clearly she is demanding her rightful place in your blog (if Bacon can get one, what does that make her?!?) So clearly the best way to get your attention was to drag her victim away, hump it and pretend it was a baby kitten. Watch out though– if you fail to heed these warnings, there will be way more kinkiness ahead!
U gotz sum smartee reedurz on dis blawg!
I have been lurking for a while. This post had me cracking up! I have 4 cats one looks very similar to yours. We have the same problem but with socks. Not nearly as funny or large as uggs. Too funny.
My guess: She was planning a slumber party and wanted to use the boot as a sleeping bag while she watched TV. She looks “so busted” in that last picture.
My bet is that she got in it and hopped it over to the coffeetable. I saw that once in a cartoon and I bet that’s where she got the idea. You know how cats love cartoons.
She’s practicing how to bury the bodies. Careful.
Eileens last blog post..They Like Me! They Really Like Me!!
Is the boot ok? They look like great boots.
Saras last blog post..Casino awards burrito finishers with free roller coaster pass
Hey, I like your couch!
Rees last blog post..Sharing Saturday – The Video Edition
She’s a little cutie – – and doesn’t she look INNOCENT?? That’s the look my kitties get when they have been busted!
Face it. Your cat is a superhero.
Kimberlys last blog post..Jazz It Off – Week #1
We can’t do cats…allergies. But my parents have a dog, if you want to call it that, a yorkie that weighs 2 pounds and can pick up my 6 foot tall brothers size 12 steel-toed boots….I think there’s more sliding involved, but they have moved because of this dog/squirrel/thing.
Sheris last blog post..Sickety Sick Sick
Cats are VERY tricky that way!
Nickis last blog post..Baaaaaaaad Sheep!