Look! Bullets!
Posted By Kristabella on September 17, 2008
I don’t have much going on in my life, so I figured I would just write a post in bullets. Because bullets are pretty! Who doesn’t love bullets? Not any of you. That’s for sure.
Dentist/Tooth update –
- First, thank all of you for your advice and suggestions from this post! I really appreciate it. I felt like such an immature ass for walking out like that, but I was so livid. And I’m happy to know that you all felt I was justified in my over-the-top reaction.
- I called the old dentist today to get my old files, we’ll see how that turns out. She said she’s going to put it in the mail.
- I’m pretty sure I’m going to be like Elaine from Seinfeld and end up at a cat dentist because no human dentist in the city will see me because of what is written in my file.
- On second thought, maybe I don’t need those files.
- I need to call a new dentist. Thanks to all of you for recommending dentists. I’m taking it all into consideration. ANYONE is better than this one.
- Also, I plan on reporting this office and Bitchy Dr. Chen to the state boards and the American Dental Society and the Better Business Bureau. And I plan to write bad reviews anywhere I can, including 1-800-DENTIST, which is how I found them.
- As for legal action, I’m not sure there is any. Like other people mentioned, with teeth, it isn’t very black and white. Just because what she saw two months ago was a bad cavity doesn’t mean that she just didn’t know it needed a root canal. In all my years (and millions of dollars spent) at the dentist’s office, I do know that everyone is different and some times you just don’t know how bad the decay is and how it will affect the tooth.
- But she’s still a fucking bitch and I should have drilled her in the eyeballs. Or taken an X-Ray of her uterus without the metal shield! For problems in the FUTURE!
Job Update –
- I still don’t have one.
- I haven’t been looking online for any.
- I’m kind of getting used to this unemployed life.
- BUT!
- I have another interview at a place on Monday. This is the same place I interviewed at last week. This should be the final one, so I’m hoping to nail it.
- Do you remember that Washington Mutual commercial from a few years ago where that guy shows up late to work and was all “I just had a job interview. NAILED IT!”? Just me then?
- There is a writing test involved. I’m more excited for this writing test because I’m more familiar with the subject. And even better, it is an afternoon interview. Which is when I’m a better writer and more creative. It is why I write all my blog posts at night.
- So cross your fingers!
Misc. –
- My stepmom called and has an extra ticket to the Cubs game tomorrow afternoon, so I’ll be drinking at Wrigley! I love unemployment!
- I have not been online a lot lately because I was busy being the best granddaughter ever on Tuesday. I took my Gram out on errands and we got a new vacuum for her, some groceries and then I took her for a haircut. When we got home, I put her new smoke alarm in and put together her new vacuum. I RULE!
- And it was all worth it because I got a home-cooked Grandma meal for dinner.
- I’m totally going back next week!
- I’m not sure I’ll ever understand Facebook. I mean I have a blog, I have Twitter and I have Flickr. What exactly is the reason I need Facebook for?
- Well, it was nice having all those people wish me happy birthday, but I mean, why do I need flair and mythical happy hours and imaginary drinks? You can just buy me REAL BOOZE.
- But totally friend me and join my blog network. OK? Thanks.
Hope Monday’s interview goes well for you, and good for you for reporting evil dentist 🙂
Willows last blog post..You’re Fired
Bring home a Cubs win!!!!!!!!!!!
Good luck on the interview!
I have not fallen to the evil of twitter and I will not join facebook. I have a myspace and my blog and I even still read livejournal. TOO MUCH SHIT.
Did gram feed you meat loaf?
That was still the best meat loaf ever!
Good luck on your interview Monday!
Don’t feel bad…it took me almost 6 monts to figure out facebook….but now that I have. I’m a complete addict! Its fun becuase there’s games and challenges you can have with your friends….but its a complete waste of time! Can someone tell me what twitter is and what its for….I haven’t figured it out yet!
Mollys last blog post..Swamp Thing…You Make my Heart Sing!
You’re lucky I still read this blog, with all this dentist talk going on.
Seriously though, you should definitely write about them constantly on every review thing you can find, and I would sue them for pain and suffering. And there is NO WAY I would pay them. Of course, that’s probably one of the reasons my credit is so bad, so maybe don’t take my advice on that last one.
I don’t understand Facebook at all, but then I’m old, so that could be it. And Twitter was just sucking the life out of my blogging so I had to stop that nonsense too. If you figure it all out, let me know.
Candys last blog post..Diabolical Dog
I once got kicked out of an eye doctor’s office for calling him a jerk.
I’ve come closing to losing in a doc’s office when they had me wait 15 minutes AFTER the consult just a nurse can discharge. SMACK!
Ashmystirs last blog post..a wednesday without words…
I’m so glad to know I’m not the only one that doesn’t get Facebook…I mean seriously, it’s like redundant.
I hope that you get some kind of satisfaction from the dentist. Do be sure to get your records…if they wrote bad shit about you then don’t give them to your new dentist..if no, then you have a good place to start.
Trust me when I tell you that your record will probably piss you off. When I got my records from Dr. Hottie I was so ticked that I seriously wanted to call him and yell…
Melissas last blog post..Hey Bartender, I’ll Have Another, Please!!
I had an interview this week, too. DID NOT NAIL IT.
Rhis last blog post..Things you should go look at
I gave up on my facebook awhile ago. I keep trying to get back into it!! Everyone’s doing it! Peer Pressure! Gah! But I can’t. All of the applications kinda bug me.
Good Luck on your interview! I’ll be sending good vibes your way from my couch!
I didn’t comment on your dentist post because I was a little out of commission, but…seriously. What a bitch! I hope the karma bus runs her ass over.
Erins last blog post..In Which I Get All Philosophical & Shit
Good luck at your interview – NAIL IT!!
Evil Geniuss last blog post..This Place is the Shit!
Kick butt at that interview – if they don’t hire you, they are stupid. (Just my opinion)
FB – it’s addicting but it also bothers me in a voyeristic/spying way. Do I really want to know if Friend F commented on Friend Y’s photo? And, in my case, it’s not helping with that bet I made with Meowmix as I can see every little thing that is going on and can’t remark/comment/nada. :::sigh:::
Lyss last blog post..6 Unspectacular Quirks…
Gotta say, unemployment is good to you. Enjoy the game.
unemployment suits you. hahaha.
alis last blog post..I…
Facebook had one purpose- to see how not-cute your ex’s wife is.
I would have been the biggest blogomercial for facebook but they changed the damn thing and it’s too freaking hard to manuever. I am old. I want things to stay the way they are!
thec oconutdiariess last blog post..Unfair and Imbalanced
I am a horrible, horrible Facebook friend.
Here’s hoping you NAIL IT!
Angellas last blog post..Blog Nosh Makeover
I hate Facebook. People keep adding me as friends and I’m all what the heck? NO! Leave me alone already!
Going back to read your dentist post.
I like the idea of x-raying the evil dentist sans shield. That’ll teach her to be rude!
nancypearlwannabes last blog post..Testing… Testing…
will add you to my network. How do I friend you?
You need a Facebook because I’m there. Duh! What better reason do you need other than to be on my friends list?!
Lelas last blog post..Drama Queen, Oh Drama Queen
Shit shit shit! After my whiney post about people not remembering my birthday I went off and forgot to tell you happy birthday. I see the irony. Happy belated birthday sweetie! I hope you had a nice, relaxing day.
As for Facebook? I don’t get it either, it’s just another password and login to remember.
Kristies last blog post..Why I blog
KB: Good luck on your next interview! I’d like to add you on Facebook, too. How can I friend you?
Coast Rats last blog post..IS IT REALLY ‘FALL’ ON THE GULF COAST?