Movin’ On Up…?

Posted By on March 17, 2009

So remember back when I used to post regularly and all I used to talk about was condo shopping and acid reflux? And then I stopped posting regularly and you were all “thank GOD! I cannot read any more about burny and mortgages and home inspections.”

Well guess what? Now I’m trying to get back to posting regularly and I’m going to talk about houses and reflux! Well not really reflux. Because I have tamed it CONSIDERABLY. If I eat the foods that don’t have acid, I’m fine. I can still drink loads of alcohol, which means that my stomach is totally my friend again. He is no longer sleeping on the couch. Now if my friend would allow some salsa, we’d so be back to being BFFs.

But really I wanted to talk about my condo. Because I probably haven’t mentioned it in a long time. Plus I really need to write this so you can all tell me not to freak out because that is exactly what I’m doing.

So the process is in motion. The contract went through attorney review and I talked with my lender and got things going on the money end. And then Lender Dude sent me the paperwork for the loans, which I proceeded to open at 11 PM, right before I went to bed on a weeknight. And since this paperwork wasn’t coming from the dude I had been talking to on the phone, but from the office in Rhode Island, the estimates for things were NOT WHAT HE TOLD ME. And when I say that, I mean that the closing costs on the paperwork were estimated to be about $6,000 more than I was told by my Lender Dude. That would be $6,000 more than I have. So I proceeded to lose my shit. Right before bed time. Needless to say, I DID NOT SLEEP THAT NIGHT. Note to people out there, do not open anything containing documents for large sums of money right before bed. Although, I feel like I don’t even have to tell you all that because I think that’s just common sense and I’m just a fucking idiot. But I was EXCITED! Excited to panicky tears.

After I talked to him and others, I calmed down. He told me they estimate it all at the highest possible amount. And they aren’t in the Chicago area, so they don’t know the fees. And what he told me way back when I started this is a lot closer to what it should be on closing day. At least I hope it is because oh hai, I can haz no extraz moneyz.

I am set to close in a little over a week, on Thursday, March 26. I say set to close because of the aforementioned mortgage. See, apparently my mortgage is still in underwriting. I have no idea what any of this means, I just know I’ve heard those words before and no one else seems to be freaking the fuck out. All I know is that my mortgage contingency date was March 6. And we’ve had to ask for extensions twice and there is still no word. So since no one else seems to be freaking out, I am freaking for the lot of them!

According to my attorney, who I love and will probably hug inappropriately at closing, Lender Dude says there is nothing wrong with the loans or with me and that the underwriting people are just taking forever these days. Probably because there is like one of them because they had to fire the rest of them because who the hell buys houses in a recession?

So everyone keeps telling me not to worry. And common sense says that if they weren’t going to give me the money, they wouldn’t be going through all this work. And yet? I cannot stop fretting. Because I love MY condo. And I need to move out of this fucking apartment. I cannot take one more day of these pot-smoking assholes. It is non-stop now. Like they’ve thrown all common decency out the window. They are up partying until the wee hours of the morning EVERY DAMN DAY. And their stoned out neighbors do NOT know the difference between 26 and 27 as they constantly ring my VERY LOUD buzzer when I am sleeping. I have half a mind to ring their buzzer on them at 8 AM when I’m leaving in the morning JUST TO SHOW THEM HOW IT FEELS.

Hopefully I hear back in the next day or two about the loan and everything moves along as it was supposed to. Until then, I haven’t done anything I need to do, and won’t until it is final. Because I’m not going down to the apartment office and throwing a royal fit because I have to move out NOW because of the WORST NEIGHBORS and that I just can’t take it any more, only to go back to them the next day and beg them to let me move back in after a profanity-laced tirade.

So please tell me I have nothing to worry about and that the dishwasher liquid I’ve already purchased will be put to good use. PLEASE! I cannot take these dishpan hands any longer!

About the author

Kristabella, who also answers to “Hey! Drunk Girl!”, is a reformed band geek with an amazing ability to drink most people under the table. You can read her inane ramblings here, where she talks about her exciting life as a spinster with two cats and a fascination for Bacon.


36 Responses to “Movin’ On Up…?”

  1. Anne says:

    It’s true, don’t worry. I work for a company that is WAAAAYY behind on processing mortgages. Rates are at a low that hasn’t been seen before and there are lots or people purchasing homes in this buyers market or refinancing to lower monthly payments. Everything will be just fine.

    Annes last blog post..lisbethf: has officially been sucked into the Dancing with the Stars drama

  2. tutugirl1345 says:

    You’re going to be fine! You’ll be singing songs to your dishwasher about how much you love it in no time.

    tutugirl1345s last blog post..Going to sleep at 7 is ok, right?

  3. slynnro says:

    I don’t know Kristin- it sounds like you aren’t mature enough to buy this condo and are doing it for all the wrong reasons.

    slynnros last blog post..Oh, hi. My blog sucks

  4. Tobi says:

    Disclosure packages from lenders are like Valentines from Satan. They freak people out. Underwriting turn times are slow for all loans right now. Lender Dude’s explanation is correct. Try not to worry.

    Tobis last blog post..Posted No Trespassing!

  5. -R- says:

    I like Slynnro’s comment.

    It’s really smart of the company to have their Rhode Island office fill in the estimates for closing costs without knowing or attempting to learn anything about what the acutal closing costs would be. Great business practice!

    You will be fine. I panicked about all my mortgage stuff too, and it turned out fine!

    -R-s last blog post..Pretend These Items Are Related

  6. Mahnee says:

    Panicking about the mortgage and closing is part of the deal. It will all work out.

    You do realize that you still need to LOAD the dishwasher, right?

  7. Corey says:

    I feel a little bad that I didn’t post this way back when you were first talking about closing. I really wanted to comment that most of my customers never close on the date that they are given in the start, but then I thought, “Oh, I don’t live in Chicago, and maybe it is different there. I shouldn’t worry her any more than she already is.” I always tell all of my customers that the most likely will NOT close when they were told. (I’m in insurance, BTW.) They don’t like to hear it at the time, but after the fact, they often thank me for warning them. I apologize for not following my instincts earlier and warning you as well.

    Don’t fret. It will all be OK.

    When we bought our first house, I had boxes in my car for weeks with constantly changing closing dates!

  8. If you weren’t spazzing a bit, then I’d be concerned. Freaking out is normal. I’ve done it at least once for each of the houses we’ve bought.

    But here’s something important to remember: If ever a number does not seem right to you, ask about it. Question it. We just converted our construction loan to a mortgage last week and, at one point, we were told that our closing costs were going to be double what we had thought they’d be. Pete questioned it and it turns out that we were right, which knocked thousands of dollars off the check we had to write last week.

    Jen on the Edges last blog post..The second Mr. Jen

  9. Seriously, real estate sucks so bad. It is all just hurry up and wait.

    And as for your neighbors, I totally would have called the cops on them a thousand times by now. And ringing that buzzing in the morning sounds like an amazing idea! DO IT!

    Dutchess of Kickballs last blog post..Heritage Drinking Day

  10. I’m so sorry; I completely remember feeling this panicked over the same sorts of closing issues. It truly will get better.

    Keep in mind (1) lenders/ title companies definitely estimate costs on the high, high end; (2) this really is fantastic time for a first-time buyer given the rates /price drop, so it’s probably worth gutting through the scary.

    Good luck!

    Legallyblondemels last blog post..The Pretty Nightstand

  11. Angella says:

    It’s been eight years since we bought our house so, um, I don’t remember. And I think it’s different up here in Canada.

    On another note, I DOUBLE DOG DARE YOU to press their buzzer. I would do it if I were you.

    Angellas last blog post..The Smoke Has Cleared

  12. Christina says:

    Oh how buying a house is stressful. I feel for you, I was in that same boat last year. It all works out trust me, in a few weeks you will be loading your dishes into your spanking new dishwasher!

    Christinas last blog post..Shady Pines ma, Shady Pines

  13. On the day you move out, please make sure your movers and friends who are helping you move (maybe you’re too mature for friends to help you move?) press their buzzer ALOT. So much chaos during moving, how are you supposed to control that??

    Also, it sounds like someone needs a cupcake.

    Kitchen Vixens last blog post..My Favorite Dressing

  14. Jess says:

    Deep breaths, just take lots of deep breaths accompanied by wine. Before you know it you’ll be freaking out over having to call someone to fix your dishwasher 🙂 and all the other joys of home ownership.

  15. Rhi says:

    I think your problem here is that you’re not imagining it all to be perfect. I mean, have you even started decorating your future child’s room yet?

    Rhis last blog post..You have GOT to be freaking kidding me

  16. ali says:

    what? you’re buying a condo? AND you have reflux issues? i NEVER knew!


  17. Raven says:

    Buying our house was one of the worst experiences ever; I dread the day we have to move from this one and go through that all again.

    As long as the underwriter isn’t asking you for more and more info, I’d say they are just dragging ass.

    Ravens last blog post..spring break sprog-isms

  18. Just remember this: You’re good enough, you’re smart enough, and gosh darn it, people like you.

    Amanda Nicoles last blog own brand of strange

  19. bikerchick says:

    You will need your dishwashing liquid to clean the lovely, beautifully empty and ALL YOURS shelves and closets in your new condo. Alternatively, you could leave it as a going away present for your old neighbors by, oh, pouring it over their windchimes? Allowing it to drip on their porch stairs? Who me? I’m not bitter! Breathe, Kristin– you’re gonna be better than fine really, really soon!

  20. kir says:

    oh I feel you’re pain on the up-all night pot smoking neighbors (that was my life in Nob Hill about 3 months ago)… but they’re right, don’t worry. these processes were not meant to be easy — but things always work out in the end. 🙂

    kirs last blog post..Vacation, all I ever wanted

  21. No worries! My sister’s paperwork took two months just to clear, not because they weren’t getting the money but because they are super slow with the piles and piles of foreclosures they’re getting.

    nancypearlwannabes last blog post..Testing… Testing…

  22. Giggle Pixie says:

    If you happen to know any cops in the area I’d seriously think about having them “show up” during the night on the night you move out, and have them ask if you are in there or something because you’ve been reported missing. Just to scare the shit outta the pot smokers.

    Giggle Pixies last blog post..Thought for the Day

  23. Elizabeth says:

    We waited around for what seemed like a million years for the mortgage company to get off their asses. Friends of mine almost “lost” their house multiple times because of appraisals and some other nonsense. But the best piece of advice I got was that if the house sale doesn’t go through, everyone involved stands to lose A LOT of money. All of those people WILL make it happen, trust me. They want your money!

    Elizabeths last blog post..Save Yourself

  24. Melissa says:

    You have nothing to worry about…and who buys a house in a recession..SOMEONE SMART…LIKE YOU! 🙂

    Melissas last blog post..Hmmm…..

  25. Kerri Anne says:

    I don’t really know anything about buying a condo so in my book you are twenty steps ahead, and looking good! (I hope it all works out beautifully. Cheers to that.)

  26. Moose says:


    This is what I do: I write things I want in all caps. It works more often than one would think. BECAUSE I AM MAGIC.

    (I AM MAGIC.)

    Seriously, it will. Your lovely condo will be yours. And your pot smoking neighbors will be history.

  27. gorillabuns says:

    my husband is a real estate appraiser so i’ll tell you why your closing is behind. it’s not because everyone is buying, it’s because everyone is re-financing their properties. i haven’t seen my dude since i had the new kid except for yesterday while drinking green beer. priorities people. priorities. really, green beer is why your closing is being put on the back burner.

    gorillabunss last blog post..This is a Christian Organization

  28. Jacki says:

    Press the buzzer!!!
    A lot!

  29. regan says:

    When we bought our townhouse something similar happened with our closing fees and I spent a night sobbing big fat tears. I was a mess because not only would we have to tell the agent that we could not afford the house, but we were buying from friends and the thought of letting them down was crushing. In the end everything worked out and I’m sure you’ll be fine too.

    Except for the reflux. You’re screwed there.

  30. Sheri says:

    Banks live for this shit. All will turn out fine. I promise.

    Sheris last blog post..Sickety Sick Sick

  31. Sarah says:

    Don’t freak out, but I almost didn’t close on my house on time because everything was still in underwriting (whatever the hell that means)
    But it did work out at the very last minute after many tears and freak outs for nothing.
    I’m SO excited for you and was wondering when you hadn’t mentioned anything about it in a while.
    Good luck!

  32. Ree says:

    Honey. Everything. Will. Be. Fine.

    Rees last blog post..Haiku Friday – Taxes & Green

  33. diana says:

    No worries – your response is totally appropriate. The only thing more stressful than waiting for the closing is signing your name to the zillionish documents at the closing. I particularly like the doc you sign saying that you are who you are. Like you couldn’t forge that one.

    BTW – I sold real estate in Lincoln Park for a bunch of years and no one gets payed unless you close – so they all have a vested interest in making it happen. This will all be a dim memory when you are writing the post about how great your new dishwasher is.

    dianas last blog post..What I have in common with prison inmates and other issues

  34. Julie C says:

    I’m sending the world’s best closing vibes your way… We’ll have a nice chardonnay chillin’ to (hopefully) help you celebrate next weekend. Fingers crossed!

    Julie Cs last blog post..Noë’s First March Madness

  35. jodiur says:

    This kind of stuff does happen and soon this will be a distant memory and all of your BlogHer friends, (um me) will be in your condo drinking wine!

    jodiurs last blog post..Since It’s A Party, How About Some Pictures From The Last Party I Threw

  36. it’ll be fine. everything is backed up these days ’cause everyone and their mother is re-fying (sp.?) so paperwork is piling up.

    and why are you paying closing costs? i had the seller pays those for me. go work on that!