
Posted By on September 22, 2008

Today I had a finalist interview for a job. I’m pretty sure it is the last interview for this particular position. Today’s portion included meeting the rest of the department and a writing test. I think it went well.

See, I’m actually kind of excited about this job. A lot of the work is very similar to the job I had with the Niners, doing media relations and also working with publications. I know I can do this job. And I know I could do it well. And everyone I’ve met seems to be cool and fun people to work with and for.

I did well in the interview part of it today. I charmed them and was funny and my normal fabulous self. So as long as they are looking for a girl who stammers when she talks, but is quick with the wit, the job is mine. My only real mistake was mentioning I’m a procrastinator when I was talking about how I like deadlines. I put things off because I like the pressure. And there are so many other better ways to say this then letting them know I am procrastinator. But I am stupid. But funny!

Then there was the question about where I had to talk about my website writing experience. And I immediately was like “if this guy calls me Kristabella, I am out the door!” So I talked about my writing for the 49ers website and my ability to know some HTML code. Which is a lie. I can add a hyperlink and make things bold. </knowledge> And I know that’s only funny to people who know HTML code.

For the writing test, I basically had to write a press release. Old hat for me. I have written hundreds of them. But I don’t think I’ve ever freaked out and analyzed a press release more than this one. I made up a quote, but was it an acceptable quote? Did I point out the right information? Should I not have added that date in the second line at the last minute? Oh my God, I totally shouldn’t have added that date at the last minute! I am so not getting this job! Woe. Is. Me.

And then there are the thank you emails. I sent them later in the evening. I meant to send them when I got home, but lost track of time because I had important things to do like fall asleep on the couch. Because apparently sleeping until 11 and going out of the house for three hours is fucking exhausting. So I planned on typing up the emails and sending them first thing in the morning. Even thanked them for taking the time out of their day YESTERDAY. And then I hit send instead of save. BECAUSE THEY BOTH START WITH S!

So now I’m panicking that I’m not going to get a job because I put a date in the second line of a press release. Or because I sent thank you emails at 10 PM and do I even HAVE A LIFE? Who wants to hire some funny, witty girl who sends emails at 10 PM. The Daily Show is on then!

Do you know why I’m freaking out about all this? Because the last job interview, the financial writing job that I didn’t get, has fucked with my head. Because I nailed the interviews and I thought I did OK on the writing test and I still didn’t get the job.

Which just means now I freak the fuck out over everything and analyze every little detail. Which makes me so tired I have to take a nap. Rough life right here, let me tell you.

About the author

Kristabella, who also answers to “Hey! Drunk Girl!”, is a reformed band geek with an amazing ability to drink most people under the table. You can read her inane ramblings here, where she talks about her exciting life as a spinster with two cats and a fascination for Bacon.


36 Responses to “Overanalyzing”

  1. Rhi says:

    HOLY CRAP. I did not write a thank you email for my interview LAST WEEK.

    No wonder I didn’t get called back in!

    Rhis last blog post..Your job is to distract me

  2. HouseofJules says:

    Oh KJ, you kill me! Sounds like you did great, and I am keeping my fingers crossed for you! I’m sure they’ll just assume you wrote “yesterday” on purpose since you sent the emails at night and they’re going to read them tomorrow. In fact, they might actually think, “Hey, this isn’t someone who procrastinates! She gets the job done, even if it’s after business hours!”, so YAY FOR YOU!

    House of Jules

  3. JenKneeBee says:

    I’m kind of glad to know that other people have these freak out sessions after job interviews and such. But try not to worry too much. Breathe! And go watch some Daily Show on his website to take your mind off it all 🙂

    Good luck! I hope you get the job!

  4. Nancy says:

    [fingers crossed]that this was your last interview and the offer comes soon!

    Nancys last blog post..72 Hours of Nashville Nonstop Fun

  5. Raven says:

    *crossing fingers and toes* (yes my toes are long enough to actually cross them) Good Luck!

  6. Melissa says:

    This is the one. I’ve got my fingers crossed for you!

    Melissas last blog post..Say Anything….

  7. Mahnee says:

    Beat you, Raven…fingers, toes, AND eyes crossed for you, kiddo. I will need to uncross the eyes soon since I can’t see what the eff I’m doing.

    Oh, and FUNNY post! Loved it.

  8. TUWABVB says:

    I can totally sympathize – I had a second round interview yesterday as well and I can’t even write about it because I am SO terrified that I won’t get the job. I know I’ll fall into a spiral of depression given I’ve been looking for a job in this particular market since about February 2007. I’ve only had one other set of interviews and many denials of interviews…..so I’m bargaining with God about this one. Good luck!!!

    Also, thanks for the email idea – I’ve been sending thank-yous by written note, but the firm suggested that they would be making a decision today….so an email might be the trick to getting a note there before they decide. Thanks!

    TUWABVBs last blog post..Quit Bugging Me

  9. Don’t fret. If you didn’t get the job, then it wasn’t the right one for you. The perfect job will come along.

    Dutchess of Kickballs last blog post..Why did you start blogging?

  10. Issy says:

    Oh I hope you get it! I’ll send good vibes your way today.

    I also wish you worked in my office, I bet you’d be a blast to work with and make the workday so much more enjoyable.

  11. Who wouldn’t want to hire your fabulous self? Don’t worry about admitting to being a procrastinator, it’s better than admitting that you love to take naps during the day, which I did on my interview at my current school. Apparently, the education world loves the lazies.

    nancypearlwannabes last blog post..Testing… Testing…

  12. Molly says:

    I’m so glad to know that someone lese freaks out and overanalyzes job interviews. I flew across the country on Friday for an interview…and I thought that I rocked it….but they told me they’re not making a decision for at least a week. Arrgh!
    Keep your chin up….its all going to work out!

    Mollys last blog post..The Interview – a Recap

  13. witchypoo says:

    I am feeling your freakout. Totally irrational, but I totally get it.

    witchypoos last blog post..Pajama Party

  14. Phil says:

    I feel your pain. I am just starting a job seach because my current job(pain in my ass) sucks my soul out of me on a daily basis. Keep you chin up.


    Phils last blog post..why is marijuana illegal?

  15. I know how easy it is to overthink and then start to second guess everything. Just remind yourself of how funny and intelligent you are. Better, go read your comments and let US tell you how funny and intelligent you are. It’s true and we’re not lying to you.

    Jen on the Edges last blog post..Man vs. Beast, part 3

  16. Nic says:

    I overthink everything. I’m sure you did FINE. As for the financial services job, uh, methinks it probably wouldn’t be very fun right now? You could potentially have been facing lay-offs again. So soon… You’ll hear back soon. It’s gonna work out.

    Nics last blog post..Staying busy

  17. moo says:

    no, no! You are PROACTIVE! You sent out the email after hours, knowing they would get it first thing this morning! How diligent you are!

    moos last blog post..photo challenge, modern & primitive

  18. Dingo says:

    I’m glad to hear the interview went well! I hope you get it because wine costs money and I don’t want you to start drinking the Nyquil.

    Dingos last blog post..Catatonia is not a Eastern European Country

  19. ali says:

    stop panicking…you are starting to make me feel all jittery!

    if this job is right…you’ll get it. with or without the yesterday.

    alis last blog post..THAT mom

  20. Corey says:

    You should be thanking your lucky stars you didn’t get that financial job. Can you imagine the stress right now?!? I hope this is the one for you. And, you are ALLOWED to freak out. It is ok.

    Coreys last blog post..Lazy Monday

  21. Jen says:

    Hello, I am really rooting for you on this job and I actually think it’s a good thing that you sent the thank-you e-mails after hours. It is prompt, and shows real interest, but leaves the interviewers a bit of time to wind down from the interview itself. The thank-you e-mail is really nice to send particularly if the interview itself went well. Good luck, and take a deep breath! I think you did just fine.

  22. The UG says:

    I have all of my fingers and toes crossed. I think you should go do a couple of Irish car bombs to take your mind off of things.

    The UGs last blog post..YMCA, pt. 1

  23. Being unemployed is giving you way too much time to think and ponder and worry and panic. May be a good time to pick up a new hobby. Anything other than knitting, though, because that would make me a laugh at you a little.

  24. Swishy says:

    I sent some of my thank you emails at 2 a.m. and I still managed to get the job (watch, they’ll put me on night shifts now) … you’ll be fine!

    Swishys last blog post..It’s the most wonderful time of the year

  25. Lara says:

    I didn’t write a thank you email for the job I’m in right now. Also, I think you can totally play it off about thanking them for “yesterday’s” interview at 10 p.m. the same day by the fact that it’s a pretty reasonable assumption that they won’t get it until the next day, and by then the interview will have happened yesterday. Make sense?

    Good luck! My fingers are crossed for you.

    Laras last blog post..Book Review: Alfred & Emily, by Doris Lessing

  26. Celia says:

    Good Luck!! I’m sure the email thing will not be a deciding factor but I totally get freaking out over the little things.

    Celias last blog post..Emergency

  27. Thinking of you! Keep us posted!

    She Likes Purples last blog post..For The Internet And My Mother

  28. Candy says:

    After being out of the workforce for like…15 years…I have to say this new method of interviewing for jobs is very tricky. I never sent an email to an employer in my life. I’m lucky to even HAVE a job, for god’s sake.

    Good luck, lady.

    Candys last blog post..Kjarma’s a Bjitch

  29. melina says:

    I’m sure everything went ten times better than you actually think it did 🙂 By the way, I help with some of the interviewing at my job and handwritten thank you’s are where it’s at (along with the email). It supposedly shows “more class” and believe it or not, is always talked about.

  30. Sarah says:

    Good luck, I’ll keep my fingers crossed and say a prayer and anything else that might bring you good fortune!

  31. zandor says:

    Good Luck with it. You’re awesome! I hope you get it. My fingers are crossed. 🙂

    zandors last blog post..Blurp

  32. Evil Genius says:

    Fingers are so totally crossed for you kiddo! Hang in there!

  33. Scarlet says:

    They’ll just assume someone’s computer clock is off…it’s all good:)

    Scarlets last blog post..Popular

  34. Oh Shit! Oh Shit! I’m leaving you a comment at 10:15pm!! You’re going to think I don’t have a life!
    You’re right!

    Sending good vibes your way. YOU CAN DO EEEET!

    The Over-Thinkers last blog post..Calling all Jane & John Doe’s II: Pee in the Pool Edition

  35. Angella says:

    You’re making ME nervous.

    See? You haz writing skillz 😉

    Angellas last blog post..Win $50 At Amazon

  36. Noelle says:

    Whoa. Thank you letters. Not something I ever thought of doing. I better not lose this job.

    Noelles last blog post..Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose