My Name Is Actually Not Krista

Posted By on August 1, 2012

So I, along with a million other people (OK, maybe not that many, but it will feel that way), am heading to BlogHer in New York City this weekend. This will be my fourth BlogHer conference. So in true to form, I’m basically skipping the conference altogether and just going to eat my way through the city.

I do have some business cards. And on the off chance I give any of those out, they will direct you to this “blog”, which is pretty dormant, save for some sponsored posts. So I figured I should write something here in case the first thing you see after meeting me is a photo of me naked in the shower and covered in shampoo.

So here are some things about me:

  • My name is Kristin. Kristabella was a name my dad called me. It seemed cool when I was starting a blog. I wanted to have a “name” like Amalah. (True story.)
  • I’m really tall. Well, not really, but I hang out with her and her and her a lot, and they are not tall.
  • Seeing as it is BlogHer, I will mention 1,000 times the best BlogHer story ever, when I stole a bowl of Cheetos from a Maggie Mason party I wasn’t even invited to.
  • Mayhaps I shall try to top that this year. I can usually be talked into just about anything after I’ve had a few libations. And when she’s around.
  • I love Twitter.
  • Facebook, not as much.
  • I really like red wine. So much so that it turns my entire mouth a lovely shade I refer to as Cat Shit Brown. Do not be alarmed.
  • I will probably talk about public transportation a lot.
  • I will probably just talk a lot. Period.
  • And laugh at my own jokes. I’m the funniest person I know.
  • I started doing Paleo/Primal Diet last week. I aim for about 70% of the time, so I can enjoy booze and times like this. The only problem is that it makes me super tired because I cut out all the sugar. Whatever you do, no matter how desperate, do not feed me any sugar. There is a $200 fine.
  • I went to Arizona State. I have a Sun Devil tattooed on my right ankle.
  • I do not enjoy fruit in anything except for banana bread, apple pie and his orange poppyseed cake. Fruit is a self-contained snack. NOT TO BE MIXED WITH THINGS.
  • I’m currently watching The West Wing. I’m almost through season two. Please don’t ruin anything for me.
  • On that note, I’ve decided my ideal man is Josh Lyman.
  • So of course I follow the fake one on Twitter.

This is what I look like. Sober. I’m the one without the big poof on her head.

If you see me in NYC, please come say hello to me. Even just to buy me a drink. Or let me buy you one.

About the author

Kristabella, who also answers to “Hey! Drunk Girl!”, is a reformed band geek with an amazing ability to drink most people under the table. You can read her inane ramblings here, where she talks about her exciting life as a spinster with two cats and a fascination for Bacon.


7 Responses to “My Name Is Actually Not Krista”

  1. Darcey says:

    So sad I’m not coming this year! I miss NYC and all you fine ladies! Oh, and maybe there will be a Magic Mike cutout you can kidnap this year. 😉

  2. Skwishee says:

    I wish I had the guts to go to Blogher! I’m so not good at meeting new people. I’m making myself go to Blissdom Canada – no traveling involved, so it cuts down on the angst – and I almost threw up when I bought my ticket. I’m an excitable dry heaver. (my auto correct just changed that to “beaver” which, for some reason I found hilarious)

    My big goal is to not throw up on anyone. Not that I’ve ever done that… I just feel as though if I were going to, it would be when I’m meeting new people who I’d like to like me, ya know?

    Have a great time in New York! 🙂

  3. Rhi says:

    I don’t think you’re all that tall. And, I’m calling you Krista from now on.
    Rhi´s last blog post ..Standing: It’s His Favorite

  4. Beautiful picture! And although we share the same name, I actually prefer Kristabella. Have fun at BlogHer!!

  5. I love NYC…..wish I was there!

    Have fun at BlogHer!!
    Liz J in Central Illinois´s last blog post ..Celebration Weekend!

  6. Andrea says:

    I too have fallen for the Paleo diet…I think I walked around in a sugar detox daze for weeks. My advice…avoid Lara bars…don’t believe the hype. gag.

  7. Angella says:

    SO glad I got to see you (and sing with you). Also glad that BH is in Chicago next year, because I know I will see you again. 🙂
    Angella´s last blog post ..The BlogHer (Un)Recap