Month Thirty Six

Posted By on October 12, 2008

Dear Skyler,

Today you turned 36 months. It actually translates to three years, in case you aren’t able to do complex math equations at your young age. Because really, people should stop counting ages in months around two years old. But you are thirty six months. Most people take longer than that to pay off their cars.

I can’t believe how big you are. You seem to get older every time I see you. And I just wish you could stay this age forever because you’re so funny. You never cease to make me laugh over the funny things you say and do. We should all be more like you and learn to love life and cake frosting as much as you do.

My mom, your Mahnee, say the two of us are very similar. That when Auntie was your age, I was a lot like you. It could be because we both have older brothers. It could be that both of us love to sing songs and have an uncanny knack for knowing the words to every song. Or it could be our love of beer. (Beer was the second word Auntie ever said.)

This year has been a bit rough for Auntie, especially lately. But the one thing I love more than anything is spending time with you. Nothing will take my mind off the hard time I’m having, looking for a job in this scary economy, more than when I walk and see your face and you come running, smiling, and give me a big hug and sloppy kisses. Or when we sit in the bathroom after I painted your nails and we sing songs while we wait for the nail polish to dry. In those moments, nothing else matters, nothing else is bad in the world and I thank you, my little crazy girl, for reminding old Auntie exactly what is important in life.

Like I said last year when I wrote to you on your last birthday, I don’t think I can ever adequately put into words how much I love you and how I will do anything to protect you, like slapping some strange boy at the playground when he tries to throw rocks at you.

Year number three is going to be so great for you! You’re already in preschool and loving every second of it. You like your dance class and library time, reading stories and doing arty crafts.

You would spend all your time on the swings at the park if you could. You’re very independent and have an amazing imagination. You love to tell stories. You can’t wait to be old enough, and tall enough, to go on the American Eagle roller coaster. It’s all you talk about. You use your inside voice outside when you get shy and reserve your loud outside voice for inside, when you get excited about balloons or Hannah Montana.

You hate having your hair done. Your mommy really hopes you grow out of that soon because she would love to style your hair in different ways every day and not have to fight with you or bribe you.

But we all let you get away with murder because we can’t deny this face. Ever. 

Can you blame us?

Happy third birthday to my favorite niece!



About the author

Kristabella, who also answers to “Hey! Drunk Girl!”, is a reformed band geek with an amazing ability to drink most people under the table. You can read her inane ramblings here, where she talks about her exciting life as a spinster with two cats and a fascination for Bacon.


20 Responses to “Month Thirty Six”

  1. Mahnee says:

    Love you Kristabella…and this tribute to the 36 month old Princess/Fairy is great!!!!!!

    Your niece (and nephew) will be telling that story about you slapping the rock throwing boy for a long time.

  2. Carrie says:

    Awww! Skyler is so lucky to have such an awesome auntie!

  3. Mouncie123 says:

    Happy Birthday Skyler!!! Wow three already…that’s incredible! The memories you share with them will only get better as they grow…it’s a great trail.

    Oh and you slapped a rock throwing boy?? Awesome!

  4. Schwerer says:

    She is so precious! Happy Birthday Skylar, can you say SCH-WER-ER?

  5. Candy says:

    I was looking at a picture of her and thinking, “She looks like KJ” and in the next sentence you mentioned it. She’s adorable. It’s so awesome, the relationship you have with her.

    Candys last blog post..If I knew then what I know now…

  6. Jenn says:

    Happy Birthday Skylar!
    KJ, this is so sweet! It has made me cry both years! You are an awesome auntie!

  7. Melissa says:

    Nope, I couldn’t say no to that face either! Adorable! Happy Birthday!

    Melissas last blog post..The Goofy Contest Winner…

  8. Kristie says:

    What a darling, sweet post. She’s so beautiful!

    Kristies last blog post..Happy Monday. Please enjoy a few pictures.

  9. Jerri Ann says:

    The only thing worse then blue icing is black and even then, those sweet cheeks make it all so worth the scrubbing don’t they?

    Jerri Anns last blog post..I Don’t Like the Tone of Voice

  10. Julie says:

    I can’t believe how fast she’s growing up… Such a cutie, too! These posts will be great to show her as she gets older.

  11. Evil Genius says:

    Happy birthday Skyler!

    Evil Geniuss last blog post..This Meme is for the Worms

  12. zandor says:

    Those pictures are adorable. I love the last one.

    zandors last blog post..Help me learn to knit.

  13. Elle Charlie says:

    What a lovely post – it’s so sweet that you are so close to your niece!

    Elle Charlies last blog post..Tagged: Memory lane

  14. She is so, so precious! What a lucky auntie you are…and what a lucky niece she is!!

    La Petite Chics last blog post..Tasteful, Yet Hot

  15. rye says:

    OMG, that kid is CUTE! 🙂

    ryes last blog post.."like UPS trucks"

  16. Sarah says:

    She is freakin’ adorable! I’m the same way with my niece and she’s 4.

    Sarahs last blog post..Before and After

  17. She is so very precious!

    Nice play on Dooce. 😉

    Jen on the Edges last blog post..A day in the life of Jenworld

  18. Kim says:

    What a beautiful post! Thank you for loving her soooo much! She is soooo lucky to have you for an Auntie! Love ya, Kim

  19. Ree says:

    Aw, happy, happy one Skyler!

    Rees last blog post..Thank you Christopher Columbus

  20. Scarlet says:

    she’s co cute! And amen about the month ages. I vow to never do that. “dude, she’s 1…get over it”

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