I’m……Well, Overwhelmed Is A Good Word For It
Posted By Kristabella on February 9, 2010
This title really has a double meaning. (It also is because I was just going to title it Overwhelmed and what do you know? I’ve already titled a blog post that. That’s what I get for uncreative blog titles over the last 3 1/2 years.)
Firstly, I am overwhelmed by the response I had on my last post. So many people have reached out to offer to help out my nephew with his traveling bear project. I know it isn’t a contest, but if there is some sort of grade or bragging rights attached to this project, Noah is going to be the winner hands down. Noah the Bear is going to travel the whole world. He’s going to see so many things, all thanks to you guys.
In fact, he has already visited USA Gymnastics and Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis with TMC from Return to Rural.
And then my friend Carri took him around the 49ers facility in Santa Clara, CA. There aren’t any players around because it is the offseason, but he got a tour and got to see the locker room.
Honestly, I cannot thank you guys enough. I am so excited to see all the other places Noah will travel.
This title is fitting because I’m also overwhelmed by life. It’s many things that are making me feel a bit down, a lot has to do with the weather and some of it has to do with work (that I’m not going to get into here, of course.) But I’m just generally feeling blah and like I could just sleep for days. I think I might be coming down with something since I felt really flushed all day and just didn’t feel right.
Or maybe it is because I am STILL wearing my glasses because my contacts still haven’t come in. I talked to the eye place today and they expect them early next week, so she ordered me one trial pair to tide me over until the shipment arrives. I’m pretty sure this is the longest I’ve gone with wearing my glasses since I was in eight grade and not allowed to wear contacts. And since these glasses are about four years old, I’m pretty sure once I actually start wearing contacts again, regularly, I will probably get really dizzy, vomit and then fall down into a pile of my own puke.
That should only last a few days, hopefully.
I had to wear my glasses out, in public, at a bar, on Saturday night. We went out to celebrate my friend Jessica’s birthday and I wasn’t going to let my glasses keep me from going. (I originally typed that “me glasses” and I was wondering when Popeye took over writing this blog post.) So to compensate, I wore a dress and knee-high boots to make myself feel like a sexy librarian in my glasses.
I also decided to drink many GLASSES (it’s a theme) of wine and not really remember most of the evening. All I know is that I woke up at 5 AM, still in my dress, most of the lights on in the house, my tights strewn about by the front door and my glasses still on. So it must have been a good night.
And since I haven’t had a cab story in awhile, I figured that I should tell you about Otus, my cab driver that gave me his number. (I don’t know HOW I got out of giving him mine, but apparently I’m learning.) The funny thing is that I took a cab to and from the bar with my friend Melissa. On both cab rides, I was a chatty Cathy. And at one point Melissa says to me “I see now why you get into the situations you do with cab drivers.”
And now I’m going to end this lame post because I really don’t need to take up any more of your time. Plus I really need to get to bed. But I needed to do something after Lost ended so I didn’t just sit and stare at my TV with my mouth agape wondering what the fuck just happened.
This blog post is so boring it did just the trick to calm me down and bore me out. You’re welcome!
I took this opportunity to catch up on some previous cabbie stories and noted that one of your posts from this exact time last year contained similar tones of February Funk. Too many shades of grey for too many weeks; I feel ya. Pretty soon, though, the gods will smile on you with a sparkly day and the long-lost scent of spring will ride in on a gust of wind off that big ol’ lake. Redemption! In the meanwhile, distract yourself with shiny things….tinfoil, windchimes, your reflection in a bottle of Stoli. Hang in there!
.-= Jenn´s last blog ..Fact-free Europe (Part Zwei) =-.
I am feeling the same way about the sleeping for days thing…but then I actually go to bed and it’s so uncomfortable that I toss and turn all night. It’s a huge uncomfortable cycle and it’s making me soooo cranky. My head and neck are killing me write now and I am commenting on this blog at 6:26 am.
.-= Raven´s last blog ..not a movie watcher =-.
So much is from this weather…and the stress with all the snow and all that comes with it. I ache soooooooo bad from the walk to the bus this AM….and my legs were still sore from the walk home from the bus last night….did NOT expect to walk through drifts up to my knees….which means there are puddles under my desk from my pants drying off.
And, as is my habit, I turned on the TV for the news/weather this AM and we had an earthquake? By Elgin/Sycamore? Who the eff messed with Mother Nature to piss her off??????
KJ it is the winter blahs again….I know you don’t want to hear this but you need to go work out…I started to do it and it really is helping me. Try it!! I also love to see where Noah Bear goes pretty cool.
Listen to your Momma KJ, a lot of it is the weather. People get depressed when they don’t get natural sunlight. I have been sleeping 8-9 hours daily, very unusaul for me.
I have also started working out 4 days a week, in my house to workout dvd’s and trust me it helps. You just have to get up and do it!
Big Hug from me in rainy California, also no sunlight!
Sorry to hear that you’re overwhelmed, babe. Maybe you should come to Canada! The kids and I will entertain you. 🙂
(Speaking of, I need to get them to color Noah.)
.-= Angella´s last blog ..What’s Going On? =-.
Gabe said that Noah the bear went to the tower of david today and is going to masada tomorrow. He’s a super fancy bear!
.-= the alimartell´s last blog ..I Guess I’m…A Bad Nut? =-.
I cannot begin to tell you how cranky wearing my glasses instead of contacts makes me. Blegh.
.-= Sensibly Sassy´s last blog ..FYI: 25 Is Followed by 26 =-.
As a nearly lifelong wearer of the specs (I got my first pair before I was 2 and they had a strap that went around my head to keep them up on my face) I have to confess that I do not understand the general hatred so many people have for wearing them. Surely getting the wind in your eyes is annoying? And having one teeny tiny dust flake send you into painful blinking spasms is no fun? I kind of like having portable windshields to keep most of the elements out (but then again, I’ve never known anything else so I should probably just shut up).
The February funks are hard to beat–perhaps a sun lamp is in order? (I’d recommend working out too because, intellectually, I know that it is a big help but in practicality I seem to be allergic to getting up off of my ass).
.-= Erin (Snarke)´s last blog ..I take my cues from Lost =-.
You will try to get someone to get a photo of you after falling dizzy into your own puke, right? Because that just screams Christmas card.
.-= tmc´s last blog ..Dina and the Cherry Blossoms =-.
hey! i want the bear to come here and visit!
and was the cab dude at least cute?
does it help to know, I think glasses are sexy! but then again, you aren’t trying to pick me up.:)
.-= gorillabuns´s last blog ..multivariate analysis =-.
I hope you’re feeling a little less overwhelmed. I’ve been there myself, and I think it can be hard to snap out of sometimes.
I get super-chatty when I drink too. Luckily H is usually my sober driver, otherwise I might have a cabbie problem too.