Kristabella | September 10, 2008
Thank you, all of you, for all your comments on yesterday’s post. I’m feeling a little better today. I think the fact I had to get up and shower and put on make-up and leave the house had a a lot to do with it. My mission is to make myself leave the house every […]
Category: Bacon |
Kristabella | September 1, 2008
*blows dust off* Oh hello there, readers. What? Where have I been? I have been melting into a pool of my own sweat and tears because I am going to be UNEMPLOYED at the end of the week and what the fuck is up with this heat wave? Don’t tease me with temps in […]
Category: A Dash of the Crazy, All Things Blogging, Bacon, Contests, Job Search, Land of Random |
Kristabella | August 17, 2008
Dude, I just showed my nerdiness right there by pulling out a Star Trek reference. To be clear, I love The Next Generation. I only like the Tribbles episode in the original series. Ahem. So this is my 400th post! Are you all so excited? I mean, it only took me about 2 years to […]
Category: All Things Blogging, Bacon, Charity |
Kristabella | June 25, 2008
Because his daddy ended up on a BLT in a diner in Hoboken. You know who we haven’t heard from in awhile? Bacon! Yay! I can feel your excitement reaching through my computer screen and grabbing me by my collar and shaking me because holy fucking shit balls! Bacon! IT’S BACON! OK, so I know […]
Category: Bacon |
Kristabella | June 4, 2008
On my recent trip to San Francisco, Bacon made his second cross-country trip with me. (His first was to Vegas in April.) In the group I was hanging out with in San Francisco, there were actually quite a few fans of Bacon. (Natch.) So I decided to let him out of the bag more. He gets really mad when […]
Category: Bacon, Travel |