Down And Dirty

| May 21, 2012

About two months ago I was sitting on my couch watching The Real Housewives of Orange County and they were doing one of those mud runs. It looked like such fun, so I was determined to find one I could do. I found one, the Merrell Down & Dirty series, and it was this past […]

I Guess I’m A Runner Now

| April 23, 2012

As I mentioned in my last post, I had a race on Saturday that was 4.2 miles long. It was the Chicago Shadow Run of Pat’s Run that was going on at the same time in Tempe, AZ. It’s pretty cool – the main race is like 30,000 people running in Tempe and finishing on […]

ShamROCK On!

| March 26, 2012

On Sunday I had the pleasure of running in the Shamrock Shuffle race here in lovely downtown Chicago. By the fact that I am writing this, it should be clear that it did not kill me. I’ve done this race once before. That time was on even less training. But I was also five years […]

Because It Doesn’t Work. For Me.

| March 19, 2012

I’ve always been a supporter of Weight Watchers. It’s an excellent plan that teaches you how to eat healthy and eat the right amount and make good decisions. I lost a lot of weight on the program back in 2003. And I kept it off for a good 3 years. Since that time, they’ve tweaked […]

Listen Up

| March 1, 2012

Did you guys know I go to the gym regularly now? Did you also know I’m running? Well, I should say “running”. I am currently almost at the end of Week 5 in the Couch to 5k program. Only three weeks left! And then I’ll be able to run 30 minutes straight without stopping! I’m […]