Weekend Update

| August 18, 2008

As I’ve mentioned, I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed these days. It is partially because my job is ending soon. And we have another sales conference next week, which means work is a little hectic. On top of that, I’ve had a few interviews and I’ve been stressing out about each and every second of each […]


| August 13, 2008

I’m in this weird funk lately. Not like down-in-the-dumps funk, but more of a how-am-I-going-to-find-time-to-get-everything-done kind of funk. I’m a bit overwhelmed, as if you couldn’t tell by my post title. I have about 16 days left of work. Not that I’m counting or anything. And in that time we have another sales conference (see […]

How My Mind Works

| August 12, 2008

The Olympics are giving me ADD. I started writing two posts yesterday and had to give up because they were just CRAP! If it’s not Scottish, it’s CRAP! I wanted to tell you about how I spent my weekend as a cat. How I got home Friday from work, earlier than normal, and took a […]

Job Interviews Are Fun!

| August 7, 2008

Last night on my bus ride home I got a call from someone about a possible job. He had found my resume online and was really interested in talking to me. I was very excited, even more so after Katie told me that recruiters don’t call unless they are really interested. This morning when I […]

You Got To Have A J-O-B…

| May 9, 2007

If you want to be with me. Which is good. Because I? Am now gainfully employed. Or will be in a few weeks time. Aiiiiiiiieeeeeeee! I was offered (and accepted) a job today! That’s about all you’re getting. (It’s not consulting. Or mulch.) I’m going to be a Marketing/Event Coordinator. It basically sounds like a […]