Rest In Peace, Gram

| November 26, 2012

Today we said goodbye to my Gram for the final time. We laid her to rest and she is now up in heaven with her husband, my Papa, and a lot of her loved ones. For those of you who don’t follow me on Twitter, she passed away on Wednesday night. My mom called me […]

Hard Part

| November 14, 2012

Last month, my lone surviving grandparent, my Gram, turned 89. We had a party for her at her house and had breakfast for dinner, something she loved. It was a great day and we all loved celebrating her long, long life. Gram isn’t doing so well. She’s 89, it’s to be expected. A few months […]


| November 23, 2011

It is Thanksgiving Eve and I’m currently baking and amazing cake for tomorrow’s festivities. I’m not having any wine with this because it doesn’t go well with the antibiotics and pain killers that I’m on. But I will be partaking in some traditional Thanksgiving mimosas tomorrow because it is a holiday and I’ll be around […]

Tough Enough

| November 22, 2011

I consider myself to be one tough cookie. I mean, I have to be. I live alone and have to do everything for myself. Plus, I like to think that moving 3,000 miles away from home to go to college where you didn’t know a soul and then up and do it again four years […]

I Left My Heart Something In San Francisco

| September 26, 2011

I spent the last four days in the San Francisco Bay Area. My friend Kristina got married in Sonoma at a winery on Saturday and I came out a few days early to spend some time relaxing in wine country. I haven’t been back here in awhile. It was 2008, I think. To say it […]