Oh Em Gee

Posted By on June 13, 2012

So, I leave for Toronto early in the morning. It’s weird, I’ve been having these panicky passport dreams lately. They all revolve around me forgetting it at home and getting to the airport and realizing this. Then it is a mad dash to decide if there is enough time to go home and get it and still make the flight.

I figured these dreams just meant “Hey, dumbass, don’t forget your damn passport!”

I didn’t really think anything of it. I wrote a giant note that said PASSPORT on it to remind me.

And then as I was sitting at my desk this morning I had a startling thought: “I think my passport may be expired.”

So I panicked. And there was nothing I could do about it until I got home tonight. And really, if it was expired, there was probably nothing I could do about it anyway. And then I got sad that I was going to miss my trip.

I got home and first thing found my passport.

WHEW! Two days to spare! Cutting it way too close.

TUESDAY, you guys. It expires TUESDAY.

Now let’s hope they let me back into the US on Sunday.

TUESDAY. Holy shitballs.

About the author

Kristabella, who also answers to “Hey! Drunk Girl!”, is a reformed band geek with an amazing ability to drink most people under the table. You can read her inane ramblings here, where she talks about her exciting life as a spinster with two cats and a fascination for Bacon.


7 Responses to “Oh Em Gee”

  1. Erin says:

    At least you had the dreams to remind you! When I went to Italy in 2002 I didn’t realize my passport was expired until two days before I was supposed to fly out! Talk about a mad dash.
    Erin´s last blog post ..Medal Day

  2. Check the State Department’s website. Some countries require you to have a minimum amount of time left on your passport (e.g. 6 months) but I don’t recall that Canada is one of those countries.

    Have a great trip! Toronto is so wonderful!
    Jen on the Edge´s last blog post ..Destruction

  3. I would have had a heart attack.
    The Waspy Redhead´s last blog post ..Can We Talk About Dallas?

  4. Angella says:

    Eep! Hope you’re having a great time, though. 🙂
    Angella´s last blog post ..Seeking Counsel

  5. Kirsten says:

    They may be a little pissy at customs… most of the time they want at least 6 weeks left before it expires when you are travelling. But Canada is usually pretty lo-maintenance. (says the Canadian).

  6. Julia says:

    If you needed to borrow a passport, I’m sure the dousche bag who walked the tightwire across nigara falls would be happy to let you borrow his. Who does that? And really, the passport thing just made it more annoying. In interviews, he was all “it was really miisty up there. I kept having to wipe my eyes.” There is a joke about thinning the herd in there somewhere, I am just not quick enough to get it!
    Julia´s last blog post ..Six On Sunday, Version 5

  7. This is totally me! I think I”m so organized and then voila! I forget a few “minor” details. At least you knew where the passport was. That’s one step ahead of me…
    Diane – It’s All Good Until You Burn Dinner´s last blog post ..Stella’s Job Hunt and a Cool Radio Interview