Weird Wednesday

Posted By on March 28, 2012

Today started off really weird.

First there was the fact that I was up, wide awake at 4 AM dying of thirst. This was to be blamed on the many pints of beer and glasses of wine I consumed on Tuesday night while out with a friend.

I know better than to drink on school nights. I know that it fills my night with restless sleep and usually panic attacks over the lack of being able to sleep. It doesn’t matter if I have one drink or 20.

When my alarm went off, I did what I do every day – I turned it off and then reset the alarm for 30 minutes later.

Well, at least that was what I thought I did.

Apparently I shut off the alarm and then reset the clock 30 minutes ahead.

Fast forward 20 minutes to see me losing my shit because I thought it was 7:30 and I was running super late and no one likes to be jolted out of bed. And also, why didn’t the alarm go off?

I looked at my phone and it said it was like 6:45. I didn’t believe my phone. I rationally assumed my manually set alarm clock was correct and my cell phone was wrong and the world’s clock was off!

So here I am, half asleep, exhausted, pushing buttons on the alarm and my phone, then checking the clock on the Fitbit just to figure out what damn time it was. There was a lot of nonsensical speech and arms flailing until I got my wits about me, some five minutes later.

It’s a good thing I am not in charge of taking care of human lives since I’m dumbfounded by the workings of a clock and how to tell time.

And as an added bonus, I give you the world’s least unflattering photo of someone running. Caption: “Kill me now!”

Caption that, friends.

You’re welcome.

About the author

Kristabella, who also answers to “Hey! Drunk Girl!”, is a reformed band geek with an amazing ability to drink most people under the table. You can read her inane ramblings here, where she talks about her exciting life as a spinster with two cats and a fascination for Bacon.


7 Responses to “Weird Wednesday”

  1. alimartell says:

    You’re like Cliff Huxtable, only with drinking instead of sandwiches!!
    alimartell´s last blog post ..The Junk Drawer

  2. Such a badass! You make that shirt look good! Haha. And the weather looks nice and sunny. As a Portlander, I’m jealous.

  3. The second photo should be captioned, “Take my photo and I’ll cut you bitch.”

  4. Debbi says:

    Hey. You were running. In a race. With a bib and a number and a timing chip (I assume). You’re AWESOME!

  5. Angella says:

    Way to go, you!!
    Angella´s last blog post ..Not Here

  6. kattyatlaw says:

    at least they took your picture! there wasn’t one for me from the race. though if there had been, it would have been at least as unflattering as you think yours is. with a matching shirt 🙂
    kattyatlaw´s last blog post ..BD Friday

  7. Jen Tepe says:

    Are you doing the Color Run in Lincoln Park on June 2??? I am coming all the way from St Louie to do it…granted I haven’t even began Couch to 5 K yet…….it ought to be interesting! 🙂 Love the pics!!!!! You Go Girl!!!