Happy New Year!

Posted By on January 4, 2012

I realize that I’m writing this on the fourth day of the month (and you’re probably reading on the fifth day), but whatever. I’m writing a blog post and that is a good thing, yes?

So, people inside the computer box, did you all have a nice holiday season? Were Santa and/or the Hanukkah armadillo good to you? Did you have a grand old time ringing in 2012?

I had a very lovely Christmas. This year I went over to my brother’s house and spent Christmas Eve with them. So I got to wake up at the buttcrack of dawn on Christmas morning to see all the presents that Santa done brought! Actually, I was lucky enough to have been woken up twice by Noah, once at midnight and once at 3 AM, with his excitement over ALL! THE! PRESENTS!

Let me tell you, even though it was early, it was really nice to wake up on Christmas morning with people that were not the cats. Not that I ever minded waking up alone and sleeping in, but it kind of took any magicalness out of Christmas. Spending it with family, especially kiddos, was really nice. I think I have a new tradition!

We then celebrated with the rest of the family and I got my Soda Stream that I asked for. And let me tell you, it is AMAZING! I love it so much! The first full day I had it, I drank three liters of water. Which is 1) a lot and 2) a lot for me, especially when that water is not flavored with Kool-Aid, which was the previous way you could get me to drink that much water. Either that or with barley and hops.

(I wasn’t intending to have this be a recap post. But I’ve got nothing else to talk about, apparently.)

I have spent most of my time off around these holidays in pajamas and watching TV. I’m almost done with Six Feet Under (10 more episodes!) and while I wait for those DVDs in the mail, I am usually watching 100s of episodes of Intervention. I’m really excited that new shows are coming back on regular television. I mean, I’m starting to prefer one rehab facility over another, making a note of it in my mind in case I ever go to rehab.

This is where I should talk all about resolutions, but let’s be honest, I never keep them. This year I’m taking the KISS method and keeping it simple. Nothing has to start Jan. 1, especially since we didn’t go back to work until the third. But here are a few things I would like to accomplish this year. Most are really better habits.

  • Start washing my face every night
  • Don’t hit the snooze button 11 times every morning
  • On that note, get up at a consistent time and get back to my old work schedule
  • Lose weight
  • Eat better
  • Start working out
  • Run a race (5k, 8k, whatever, something)
  • Post more on my blog

And that’s about it. To date, I have accomplished none of these things. But tomorrow is a new day, right?

How about you, friends? Any resolutions?

About the author

Kristabella, who also answers to “Hey! Drunk Girl!”, is a reformed band geek with an amazing ability to drink most people under the table. You can read her inane ramblings here, where she talks about her exciting life as a spinster with two cats and a fascination for Bacon.


14 Responses to “Happy New Year!”

  1. Jessica says:

    I resolved not to make any resolutions. I thought that one would be easy to keep. But then I resolved to fix up my effing crap pile of a house. *sigh* I’ll probably break that one too.
    Jessica´s last blog post ..The Day After.

  2. Angella says:

    Happy New Year!

    I don’t do resolutions on Jan 1, but will start them throughout the year as I think of something I want to do. 🙂
    Angella´s last blog post ..I Like Them. I Really, Really Like Them.

  3. Daisy says:

    Is it weird that I want to come over to check out your Soda Stream?

  4. -R- says:

    I laughed out loud when I read that you made a note of which rehab place to go to.

    I don’t really have any resolutions this year. I’m too tired!
    -R-´s last blog post ..Bahamas

  5. alimartell says:

    I’m exactly the opposite. I hate failing…so I only make resolutions I know I can keep. 🙂 Heh.

    I saw that SodaStream thing in Atlanta and totally thought of you! I’m so happy you got one!

  6. jodifur says:

    I love my soda stream but I use it to make sparkling water, not soda. My husband makes the natural sodas.

    Happy new year!
    jodifur´s last blog post ..The Old Days Of Blogging

  7. Andrea says:

    No particular resolutions either, but similar things to yours. Eat a little better, move a bit more, lose a few more pounds. Also read more, and spend a little less time mindlessly watching tv (watching intervention doesn’t count as mindless!). Blog more and maybe try to go through pictures I take more frequently. I also want to send more random presents and cards to my friends. 🙂
    Andrea´s last blog post ..Sweet Dreams

  8. Rhi says:

    I’m intrigued by the soda stream. Both my mom and brother got one for Christmas and I have a SNEAKING SUSPICION that I also got one but we haven’t celebrated Christmas with them yet.
    Rhi´s last blog post ..2011

  9. amd says:

    Glad to hear you had a Happy Holidays! Sounds relaxing and fun! Kendra Jones (now Kelly) came into town for NYE and we had a blast. She and her hubby had been down in San Antonio for the Alamo Bowl (poor Huskies…). My New Year’s Resolution is to get my niece Tennasyn to like other colors besides pink and to play with Lego’s and not Barbies all the time. I think this is do-able especially if bribery is involved.

  10. pam says:

    I’m just so happy to see you back! I missed you! (am I the only loser stalker reader who wonders where you’ve been? I keep thinking I’ll read something sinister about you and the cats…we do get WGN here in Washington, DC, you know…).
    Oh, and? I think resolutions are a disaster. Made to make you feel badly about yourself, really early in the New Year. So I don’t make them.
    But mostly – yay! you’re writing again! thank you!

  11. Catherine says:

    My only resolution is to be more organized. We’ll see how long that lasts… but I do have to add that I love love LOVE my soda stream. I’ve had mine for 4 years and it’s awesome!!

  12. Jen Tepe says:

    Yeah, you are back! Glad to see that and look forward to lots of reading this year!!! 🙂

  13. Alice says:

    with the amount of seltzer i buy & drink, i should probably just buy one of those! except i don’t want to give up any more counter space 🙂
    Alice´s last blog post ..wrapped cats and masked faces

  14. I wrote a post on New Year’s Resolutions last week. At least you’re looking at it as every day is a new day that you can start working on those things. I like the washing your face every night one. You’ve got to start small! 😉 I love your #spinstertweets too.
    Chrisor (@ynotkissme)´s last blog post ..My Resolution Stands: No New Year’s Resolutions