Asi Asi

Posted By on August 2, 2011

I am out of things to post about. Like there is literally nothing rolling around inside my head except a few marbles.

So it isn’t that I am too lazy to post (that’s part of it), but I just have no ideas. My life isn’t that interesting and thank cheesus, no more birds have pecked my toes. Although, I do feel a phantom pain on the tip of my toe every time I see one of those rats with wings.

I recently decided to switch from Weight Watchers meetings to the online only membership. There is a significant price difference and it goes along with my whole stance on reducing my debt and unnecessary spending. And since the last meeting I went to I sat there annoyed the whole time because it was a repeat topic, I figured it would be better all around for me to switch to online. I wasn’t getting anything out of the meetings anymore and the people there just annoyed the shit out of me.

I have been neglecting Weight Watchers for a long time, a few months at least. Probably since Jamaica. I hadn’t weighed in since the end of June. I’ve been eating like the world was ending and not tracking anything. Part of this is due to busyness and parties and things to do. The other part is because of laziness and once you fall off the wagon, it’s easy to stay there. It’s like a comfy bed. And Lord knows I like to sleep.

In the past month or so, I’ve attempted to track and stay on plan and…it just hasn’t worked. There was always something. Like last week, when I had no money in my checking account and I decided to eat boxes of Stove Top for dinner because I had it and it was free and I couldn’t afford to go grocery shopping. And I’m pretty sure a box of stuffing for dinner isn’t the most WW friendly food item to eat for dinner.

I’ve put back on a lot of the weight I lost. I’m kind of bummed about that. Things that were fitting loosely are now getting a bit tighter. It’s been hot so I’ve been wearing a lot of dresses, which are a lot more forgiving of weight gain. Which is good and bad.

I haven’t worked out since I got my new job at the end of March. I have been paying for the gym and not going. It had taken me awhile to get into my new routine with commuting and it is exhausting. I used to get up at 8 a.m. Now I get up at 6:30 and get home at 6:30. It’s not a huge difference, but it was enough at the beginning to get out of the gym routine and that’s all it takes. See note above re: wagon and comfy bed.

But today, today, I have decided to take control again. (Wow, does that sound like a commercial or what? Where’s Jennifer Hudson?)

I weighed myself this morning. It wasn’t one of those shameful ones to just see how far I had fallen. It was my new starting point. It was the weight I recorded in my weight tracker online this morning. Tuesdays will be my new weigh-in day. (Not right after the weekend, yet not right before.) And I’m aiming to track everything I eat for at least five of the next seven days, honestly, even though I’ll be in Toronto starting Thursday night.

I know it won’t be easy, but I also know I CAN do it. I HAVE done it. I need to remember that when I want to give in, when I want to eat a box of stuffing washed down by a large order of cheese fries.

So watch out arm flab and muffin top! Let’s do this thing!

About the author

Kristabella, who also answers to “Hey! Drunk Girl!”, is a reformed band geek with an amazing ability to drink most people under the table. You can read her inane ramblings here, where she talks about her exciting life as a spinster with two cats and a fascination for Bacon.


10 Responses to “Asi Asi”

  1. I know how you feel about the WW meetings. I used to go, ALL the time. Then, I started getting annoyed…..not by the people around me, but by the meeting leaders. Yeah, the WW people. The regular one was okay, but then she started taking time off and doing other things, and the substitute leaders? Annoyed the sh$t out of me! I got so angry with one that I walked out of a meeting to keep from getting into a confrontation with her. That is the evening I decided never to go back. And I haven’t.

    I do pretty good monitoring what I eat, watching fat content, etc. I stay hydrated and exercise at the Gym at least 3 days a week to stay (sort of) in shape. At least, that is what I DID until a couple of months ago, when I had major surgery and the Gym visits had to stop for awhile. Now it’s REALLY watching what I eat, since Gym visits have been taken out of the equation…..can’t wait until the Dr. lets me go back!

    Good luck with the WW online! I know some people who have tried it, and they really like it. And no more annoying meetings! 🙂

  2. Andrea says:

    Good luck! I’ll be cheering for you and trying to do the same thing right along with you. Monday I started tracking my food and weight again and trying to be more conscious about what I put in my mouth. Most people would look at me and say “but you’re already thin, you don’t need to worry about it”. But I’m the heaviest I’ve ever been and I don’t feel good about myself. I haven’t been able to wear my work slacks in almost a year. I’ve been a little more lenient on the dress at work (jeans, nice top, cute shoes…thankfully I’m the boss, and I don’t work somewhere corporate so casual is fine). I’m also very thankful it’s the summer, and I’m wearing my dresses (yes they are forgiving!)
    I also need to figure out a workout routine. But baby steps right?

  3. Just Shireen says:

    Good luck!

    I fell off the workout wagon hard after my 365 stint. It’s been 4 months, and I’ve worked out maybe two times. But I’ve reached the point now where things aren’t just tight, they don’t fit. So, I’ve got the membership papers for the Y pulled up and ready to fill out. Got to get back on track!

    Thanks for the kick in the (overly large) pants! Unintended though it may have been. 🙂

  4. Denora says:

    The hardest part is starting again, at least in my experience, so good for you for taking that step! I’ll be cheering you on from across the country, and yet right around the internet corner. Someone very wise once said “It’s a marathon, not a sprint” and that’s since become my mantra. I’m betting you’ll recognize it 🙂

    Good luck!!

  5. Laura says:

    I completely fell off the wagon when I moved last month and you would never know that I used to track food and workout. I have eaten whatever I please and this is not a good way to start in a new city. Hopefully when I get settled I can get that motivation to get back on the wagon.

    I tried the online WW and it worked well. It was more time and money friendly than the meetings and you don’t have to listen to people who are still amazed that fruit is free points. Good Luck!

  6. jen says:

    To keep me focused – I keep WW up with all of my other tabs. If I see it up there it’ll make me think twice about going across the street for ice cream at 3:00.

  7. Sarah says:

    I am right there with you. I’ve been doing WW at work but we just ended since we didn’t get enough people to sign up this time around. So now I’m doing it online. My only problem is that for about the last month I have been so far off the wagon I just about got dysentery (oregon trail? hello?)

    Anywho…we can get back on track! Feel free to tweet me if you’re feeling stuck or need some motivation, its helpful to have people to support you :o)

  8. tmc says:

    It occurred to me yesterday that I’ve been doing WW since December and if I hadn’t sabotaged myself every time I had a loss, I could be down by 30+ pounds by now! Gah!
    So I’m renewing my efforts today as well. I’ve been weighing in but neglected going to meetings the last 2 weeks. I don’t care for the meetings but it is a routine that keeps me interested in the program. It’s stupid, but I’m motivated by stickers and key chains and all that other crap. Even the stars and trophies online cheer me up. Come friend me if you’d like. I’m starredrabbit. We can do it! : )

  9. Just figuring out your plan is a huge step!

    I have used online tracking on and off for years and it has been really helpful to me. I’m not sure, but there might be an app for your phone that will help you track on the fly too.

  10. Kate says:

    I failed miserably my first time around with WW largely because I hated the meetings so much. The ones I went to seemed more devoted to finding ways to “cheat” and eating fake, overly-processed foods than finding sustainable ways to actually eat well and stay healthy. A girl cannot live on fat free cool whip, bagel thins and laughing cow cheese alone, you know?

    The online plan worked for me — especially with the iPhone app, which I honestly think was the key to my success. Give me an excuse to play with my phone, and I am in.

    Also, because I am weird, the fact that I wasn’t accountable to anyone except myself made it easier to start up again when I fell off the wagon; it seemed more like a fixable temporary setback and less like a failure, for some reason. I didn’t dread weigh-ins nearly as much — or engage in ridiculous unhealthy behavior to game the system and keep numbers as low as possible — when it was just me.

    Which is all to say, you can totally do it. The step back on the treadmill is truly the hardest one, so once you’re there, you’re good to go.