Sweet Relief

Posted By on December 2, 2010

I’ve been really stressed lately. I have been having a bit of money troubles and you never realize how much that eats away at your entire being until you get some relief.

See, my mortgage payment was increased over the summer. I needed to put more in each month to cover my escrow and my property taxes. And it wasn’t just a little bit more, it was quite a bit more. At first it was fine. And then a few months later, I was really struggling.

But then, I got my property tax bill. And I realized that all that money I had to pay last year for a special assessment was paying off – my property taxes went down. A LOT. So the amount of money I was paying each month to build up my escrow? TOO MUCH!


Because I’m a NOOB when it comes to any of these adult kind of mortgagey manners, I figured you could just call your mortgage company and be all “look ass rapers, I’m not paying all this money into my escrow account, OK? Change my payment amount, bitches! Or else!”

Can you believe it doesn’t work like that at all? Apparently there are some not-so-honest people out there who will tell those kind of lies to like, get out of paying bills? Who are these hooligans?

So I called my mortgage company, expecting them to take my side seeing as I am honest and pay my bill on time and because HELLO, people are foreclosing left and right! I’m just asking to pay a couple hundred dollars less per month! And that won’t effect my principal or your interest!

Turns out they really research these things. And thankfully, I had just received my tax bill so I had PROOF! Written, documented proof from the county that the amount my mortgage company THOUGHT I should pay in taxes was not even close to the same amount that I HAD to pay in taxes.

So we opened a work order and they evaluated it. And I have been waiting on pins and needles every day since to find out the outcome.

That day came tonight. And it was EXACTLY what I needed to hear! They are lowering my payment! AND I get a check for the extra amount that is in my escrow account currently. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ME!

So clearly when I found out the news, I did what every other adult would do – I texted my mom, did a cartwheel and opened a bottle of wine.

C-A-B-E-R-N-E-T spells R-E-L-I-E-F.

About the author

Kristabella, who also answers to “Hey! Drunk Girl!”, is a reformed band geek with an amazing ability to drink most people under the table. You can read her inane ramblings here, where she talks about her exciting life as a spinster with two cats and a fascination for Bacon.


19 Responses to “Sweet Relief”

  1. Jenn says:

    That’s awesome! We have a strange European thing here, where they estimate your water usage and only bill once (yes, I said ONCE) per year, so they high-ball the rent and then justify it in January. Last year, we got back a pretty decent chunk-o-change after we’d only been here for 3 months, so I’m hoping for a big post-Christmas payday this year!
    Jenn´s last blog post ..OMG- its Nothing

  2. Suz says:

    You have had a GREAT day! That is great news about your mortgage going down, I’ve been lucky enough to see some decreases due to declining property values (um…yay?).
    So glad you got some relief and, equally as important, you got to see the Sun Devils win:)

  3. Amber says:

    That is awesome news: free money! (Well, OK, not exactly free, but I bet it feel like it…)

  4. Lisa says:

    Sweet! Extra money before Christmas is always appreciated.
    Lisa´s last blog post ..Scene from a Wednesday

  5. Erin says:

    Great news! Although, I admit, I’m surprised your mortgage company didn’t do that automatically. When we owned a house our bank would adjust our escrow payment (typically for the better) every time a tax bill came out. I swear, in the 6 years we owned that house we got at least 4 checks for overages in our escrow account.
    Erin´s last blog post ..Let There Be Light

  6. Mahnee says:

    YAY! Decision from the mortgage company and an ASU win (over U of A, no less) all in the same day. Good times!

  7. Amy says:

    That is awesome! Escrow shortages are such a pain in the ass, but it IS pretty nice when that check comes. That’s happened to me before, too. Cheers!

  8. -R- says:

    Thank you for teaching me this process! I totally need to do the same thing but have been putting it off for a few months. Why am I letting myself pay too much?!
    -R-´s last blog post ..It’s Santa Time

  9. Andrea says:

    Yay for you! It’s always a nice surprise when annoying shit like taxes works out in your favor. And now you won’t have to roast the cats for Christmas dinner…
    Andrea´s last blog post ..Make My Shit the Chronic the music- I mean

  10. slynnro says:

    I don’t’ even begin to understand what you are talking about. I AM NEVER GOING TO BE SMART ENOUGH TO HAVE A HOUSE.
    slynnro´s last blog post ..Its That Ho Vanessa Again

  11. Gav says:

    cabernet makes my week complete….
    Gav´s last blog post ..Board Dressed Standing Rib Roast with Yorkshire Pudding

  12. Miss E says:

    That’s great news! Glad you’re getting some relief before the holidays…always helpful.

  13. Rhi says:

    Hooray! It didn’t take them very long at all!

  14. YAYYY!!!! Now, wait a minute. If YOU had made a mistake by UNDERpaying, they’d be charging you fines left and right. I say that you should charge THEM some fines, right? Right?
    Tracey – JustAnotherMommyBlog´s last blog post ..Im Not As Crazy as I Feared

  15. oof, I think I got a stress ulcer just reading that. Glad it has all worked out and I hope the stress in your life shows itself the door soon!
    Sensibly Sassy´s last blog post ..All Christmas Songs Are Not Created Equal

  16. regan says:

    I would like to see a video of you doing the cart wheel. And then a second video of you doing the cart wheel after the bottle of wine.
    regan´s last blog post ..drivers ed

  17. Alice says:

    i totally have no idea what you’re saying except that i seem to understand that the result is YAY MONEY FOR YOU? yes? in which case YAY! MONEY FOR YOU! 🙂
    Alice´s last blog post ..bad cat- part 12835182734

  18. I’m gonna send you in to these Social Security people. I think they are taking far too much out of my paycheck each month!
    JENNerilizations´s last blog post ..Thanksgiving-2- Jenn-0

  19. Schwerer says:

    My mortgage company does that every year! So, at the end of the year I find out if my mortgage is going up or down and if I am getting a check back. This year, check back and mortgage going down another 50 bucks (went down 50 last year). YAY! But, alas, all the money is gone already!