Fell Off The Bandwagon

Posted By on August 15, 2010

I have been eating like crap lately. I was doing so well and lost six pounds and then well, I got hit with the lazy stick. I mean, I’m always lazy, but I’ve really proven my role as President of the Lazy Club in the last two weeks or so.

Right up until I left for BlogHer, I was doing pretty good. But with the poop issues and stress from packing and traveling and trying to get a lot done in a few short days, my diet and exercise suffered. And then when I was in NYC, all bets were off because I was in NYC. And I could drink again! Food and booze! A glutton’s dream!

I figured I could get back on the bandwagon once I got back. But that didn’t really happen. Mostly because I was so tired and still recovering from the trip, so I couldn’t be bothered to even make my own lunch, let alone work out every day. I did make homemade spinach & cheese enchiladas, which were FANTASTIC. But they were so good, instead of eating one or two at dinner, I would eat three or four. So while they were lower in calories, that’s all negated when you eat half a pan a night!

I told myself that I would try to get back into good habits this weekend. But then I drank very strong champagne drinks on Friday night and had to get up early Saturday morning, so I ate Arby’s, Taco Bell and a milkshake throughout the day.

But then Sunday, oh Sunday was going to be different! And it started out that way! I had a light breakfast and then a sandwich for lunch. But then I sat on the couch all day, being sucked into episodes of Flipping Out and the Rachel Zoe project, so come dinner time, I didn’t want to cook, let alone go shopping. So I went to Burger King. Because that is reasonable. And now instead of making my lunch for tomorrow, I’m watching three episodes of the Duggars.

This week will be different! It’s going to be cooler so I won’t be a cranky mess in the evenings from driving home in 100 degree weather with no air conditioning. (My car’s AC has officially shit the bed. I will be new car shopping next spring.) Cooler temperatures means I’m more likely to stop to work out after work. I can’t find any energy to go to the gym to sweat when I show up at the gym pre-workout like I’ve already ran three miles.

And I’m going to cook dinner this week! And make my lunch every day! One, because I am not made of money! And two, because IT IS NOT THAT HARD TO MAKE YOUR LUNCH! (My brain seems to think otherwise.)

Here’s to hoping I can get back on the horse or bandwagon or whatever other euphemism they use. Basically I’m going to attempt to stop being such a lazy arsehole! I have to look good for Rhi’s wedding in two weeks!

About the author

Kristabella, who also answers to “Hey! Drunk Girl!”, is a reformed band geek with an amazing ability to drink most people under the table. You can read her inane ramblings here, where she talks about her exciting life as a spinster with two cats and a fascination for Bacon.


12 Responses to “Fell Off The Bandwagon”

  1. hilary says:

    Good luck… You can do it! Start with a big bag of pre-cleaned salad mix and baby tomatoes. That way you have to do minimal work in the AM or you can even make it the night before (just add paper towel to prevent sogginess). This will not only be quick but healthy. It takes a while to really get in the exercise routine. Try to find something you enjoy, or at least enjoy enough to distract you from what you are doing….. And take one day at a time. Don’t look at it like you have to do all or nothing. You will never get off the couch that way….I know… I’ve been there….
    hilary´s last blog post ..I’m thirsty!

  2. Carrisa says:

    Story of my life. On the wagon, off the wagon. I hesitate to even blog about it anymore, because of how embarrassing it is.

    But! The Monday before I left for BlogHer we started our 5k training program. Up at 5:30 am because it’s not as hot. (still very hot though)

    As of today I’ve woken up 7 times to run and gone to the gym once to do it as well.

    I’m keeping a somewhat secret blog about it that’s separate from my regular blog.
    I still haven’t gotten my eating under control, although I have made a real effort to take my lunch and breakfast to work, stop eating fried foods, and eat more fruit and veggies. It’s not easy, but at some point it has to be done if I expect to ever have babies.

    So with all that… I wish you the best of luck.

    (I also joined daily mile at Chris’s suggestion. She’s my inspiration.)

  3. Raven says:

    Dude, the weather is so brutal for sticking to ANYTHING, other than seats! I way done with the summer. WAY DONE. It’s too hot to cook which means we eat out more which is less than healthy and so doesn’t help us save money either. *sigh*

    The dogs have been going mental so we have been walking them every night around 9 pm (the only time it’s alright to be outside right now) so at least I am still getting the walking I started in NYC in my routine. I have around 2 weeks before I have to be in a bikini. Oy.
    Raven´s last blog post ..sometimes swag needs help

  4. Angella says:

    YOU CAN DO IT. It really is hard to work out (or cook) when it’s so hot, but it will be cooler soon. Rooting for you!
    Angella´s last blog post ..Super Trouper

  5. Carabee says:

    Every single weekend I say IT STARTS ON MONDAY, because, you know, diets can’t start on Thursday. And then Monday passes and I ate like shit again and so I say, oops, NEXT Monday… But this time I’m getting serious.

    You can do it!
    Carabee´s last blog post ..Canopy

  6. -R- says:

    I realize this is not the point AT ALL, but where did you find the spinach and cheese enchilada recipe?

    The last month has been so hot that I’ve stopped walking (my one form of exercise too). We can both start again though!
    -R-´s last blog post ..All Caps

  7. jen says:

    I’ve told myself I can’t have “real” pizza (a frozen lunch pizza doesn’t count – they generally taste awful) until I loose the last 25 pounds (for a total of 100 thank you very much!!).

    Here’s hoping it’s incentive enough.

  8. jen says:

    that’s LOSE the last 25 – yikes!

  9. MojitoMaven says:

    This sounds exactly like me. Me and Weight Watchers were kicking ass prior to BlogHer. Then 7 days of eating like shit later, and it is killing me trying to get back on the Fit Train. Not to mention it’s Restaurant Week in Dallas and I am definitely partaking in like 5 different restaurants. UGH.

    I feel you. Good luck!!

    MojitoMaven´s last blog post ..meet carlton

  10. Tara says:

    I know what you mean about the hot weather! I made my way through the 9 weeks of C25K, hoping I’d keep up with it once I finished the program. But when it’s still almost 90 degrees at 8pm in ATL, that makes it hard to want to do anything. You’ll get there, though…it’s all about baby steps.

    You know you can do it, because you were doing it, so now you just have to do it, if that makes any sense 🙂
    Tara´s last blog post ..Indiana Pictures!

  11. Lisa says:

    I too am taking the lazy train. We just got back from a camping trip last night, and I have zero desire to go food shopping to fill my empty fridge, esp since the babysitter canceled and I have now 3 kids to entertain (but not with food!). Friday is pizza night, Thursday we are ordering takeout for the hubby’s birthday….which just leaves today and tomorrow make dinner for, right? We can eat 4 month old pork in the freezer, and maybe those fish fillets that we didn’t like the first time…or maybe I could make pancakes….anything to avoid taking these heathens with me to the store.
    You can do it! And while you’re cooking all those delicious meals, send some over here. 🙂
    Lisa´s last blog post ..Doing nice things

  12. The lure of taco bell is sometimes impossible to resist…I get a mexican pizza and a double decker taco…mmmmmm
    I wish you luck this week, sticking to a new way of eating is definitely difficult to do!
    Sensibly Sassy´s last blog post ..Ive Been Upstaged By A Wall