Decisions, Decisions
Posted By Kristabella on August 26, 2008
I’m stressing out, kids. It is a good kind of stress, but stress nonetheless and WHERE IS MAH WINE?
Here’s the dealio, I have recently had some job interviews. There is one in particular that I have gone to three separate times, today being the third time. It is out in the suburbs. It is for an executive assistant job. It is in the suburbs, which means I have to drive. A LOT.
Everyone I have met has been lovely. The receptionist knows my name. It seems like a very cool place to work and very collaborative and my kind of place. And I could definitely do the job.
But, it is in the suburbs. And I think that I wouldn’t end up liking the job. The more I think about this job, the more I feel like I’m going to end up someone’s bitch (or many peoples’ bitch) and I’m not going to like it. And then I’ll be even crankier from driving an hour each way.
Today they mentioned they would like me to come back on Friday. To take a computer test. Like to see if I know how to use Excel and PowerPoint, etc. Apparently the last few people have lied and have not known how to use it. The more I talk with them, the more I feel overqualified and while I would love the people, I don’t think I’d be happy. Just a gut feeling.
Plus, thinking about doing that commute in the winter puts me on the verge of tears. I did that once when I first moved back here and it was miserable. And I think it took 8 years off my life.
But I feel horrible. I will have to follow up with this company in the next day or so and I’m going to have to lie and just tell them I’m not interested and that I have another offer. And I know what you are all saying “just tell them the truth! Tell them the commute is too bad!” But I can’t! Because they’ve already asked if it would be a problem, numerous times, and of course I said “No! I love being in my car and driving! Gas over $4 a gallon just warms my heart.”
I’m way too nice because it literally pains me to even think of telling them this. I feel like I’ve wasted their time. And now they are probably back at square one. And that is MEAN! I am NOT MEAN!
But here’s the thing, Wednesday morning I have an interview. It is downtown. It involves some writing. It involves meeting planning. It involves some traveling. I WANT this job. I’d be perfect for it. I’m going in tomorrow and taking a writing test! This is what I’m supposed to be doing. It feels more right.
Now, I know I’m putting the cart before the horse. And in the end of this, I could end up turning down one job that would have made me an offer and not getting an offer from the other place and then find myself back at square one.
I am OK with that. One, I have a cushion. I have some time to play with and I can also collect unemployment. Two, I feel like I would be taking the job in the suburbs just to take a job. And that is exactly why I didn’t go on the FIVE HOUR INTERVIEW OF DEATH and exactly why I ended up in a job a few years ago that didn’t pay me enough and where I had to commute 30 miles one way.
Plus, who wouldn’t want to hire me with my mad writing skillz, yo?
You have that financial cushion, so you gotta go with your gut here! You’re gonna rock that Wednesday morning interview, girl. GO FOR IT!
House of Jules
HouseofJuless last blog post..The first rule of Pillow Fight Club: Always talk about Pillow Fight Club. The second rule? Same as the first.
I would also like this second job. Please tell me they are hiring for whatever it is in Dallas. NO MORE LAWYERING!
I tempted when I was unemployed and while executive assistant is actually a pretty cushy job, you will be running around doing errands and Christmas shopping for executives. You might actually be too smart for that.
slynnros last blog post..Flat Hair Solutions Vol. 8,000,000
Work is one third of your life. Best be in a place that you are happy to go to.
witchypoos last blog post..The Young Shaman
I have been in similar situations and I concur: go with your gut. If you don’t think you’ll be happy going there every day, say NO WAY.
nancypearlwannabes last blog post..For Whom The School Bell Tolls
So tell them the other side of the truth, not the driving side, but the side about being over qualified and not being what you actually want to be doing. Or just tell them no thank you, they don’t really need an explanation.
Dutchess of Kickballs last blog post..Dear Summer of 2008
I wholeheartedly agree with NPW – DO NOT take a job you already know won’t make you happy. When it “feels right” it will be right.
ryes last blog post..and I envy
Good to listen to your gut!
Hope you get the 2nd job (the one you want).
Ashmystirs last blog post..Today’s Power Thought: Keep Your Conversations Upbeat
Commuting to the suburbs everyday would get really old fast. I hope you get job #2!!
Baileys last blog post..Random Monday
Totally the second one. You’re in a unique position right now where you can determine the next 5-10 years of your life. Go with what you know you’d love doing.
Amandas last blog post..gamblers and mountain men
i definitely took a job just because i NEEDED a job, and it was HORRIFIC. like, worse than i could have imagined. i rationalized it at the time b/c i needed a job badly, this was close to my house, it was a pay raise, and “i could do anything for a year, right?” AAAHAHAHAHAHAA and then my soul died.
you’re making the right decision.
Alices last blog post..WWC: sour and salty
Don’t take the job in the burbs! I commute sixty miles every damn day and I HATE IT. Even on the days that I like my job – I still HATE the commute. All I can think about is how much time I spend there and commuting, in horrible traffic, and how it is just not worth it. You did not waste their time, you were getting a feel for the ocmpany to see if it was really worth the commute. Trust your gut!!
Frans last blog post..THIS is who I get to see tomorrow night!
You need a job where they have a beering test.
beejs last blog post..First Grade!
commutes totally blow.
(suburbs where? just curious if it was out in my neck of chicago 😉 )
alis last blog post..things that only happen to me. also? why i download
Let me tell you, there is NOTHING worse than being somebody’s bitch. I was a bitch once and it was the worst two years of my life. Good luck with the awesome job that you will totally get!
dabbys last blog post..I can see clearly now that the eyeliner is gone.
Go with your gut. The first job isn’t for you. At all. You can turn it down. It’s okay. I have my fingers and toes crossed on the second job!
It sounds very much like you’ve already made up your mind. Call them now and just tell them that you’ve thought more about it and feel this isn’t the right position for you. Done. Then go for the other job. If you get it great – if you don’t, at least you tried and didn’t end up just taking a job to take it.
GO WITH YOUR GUT!!! I chose to ignore this extremely important instinct and lost my marbles at the law firm from hell.
Don’t take a job just to take a job. You deserve to be happy. If you take the assistant job you’ll be back a square one when you realize you are unhappy.
Ooooh. Exciting. Love it when stuff starts jumpin’ like this… I’m pulling for you in the other job. It sounds much more like you. I’m a big believer in finding the right fit, not just finding a job. So keep up the smart work, girlie. Good luck!
During my unemployment tenure last summer, I had been interviewing for a job that seemed pretty decent. I knew I was (over)qualified for the job, but it was within 10 minutes of my apartment, pay was decent, and it didn’t seem like a difficult job.
And then this other one came up. It was what I wanted. In an industry that would move forward. But the interview process took forever.
I strung out company A as long as I could (through 2 weeks of interviews with company B), but I knew that I didn’t want that job. I politely declined and kept moving on.
And then finally got the guts to put the hammer down on company B. I told them that I really wanted the job, I knew I would be an excellent fit in their company, but I had another company pursuing me, and I had to give them a decision within the next 2 days (despite the fact I’d already let the other company know I was looking elsewhere).
I had a negotiable offer letter in my inbox less than 36 hours later.
I took a chance, bluffed my hand, and got exactly what I wanted.
Dude. Go with your gut, and if you have to, make sure this company (subtly) knows that you want the job, but are a hot commodity (cuz you ARE!)… don’t let them sit on their hands for very long.
The Muses last blog post..Break a sweat
If you worked in the ‘burbs, you’d be late to all the Cubs games. Nuff said.
thecoconutdiariess last blog post..…But Where Was Her Flag?
Yeah, it doesn’t sound worth it. I did that before, took a job that I knew would probably suck just to have a job, and I was right. It sucked. And I got stuck there for a year and a half. With the suckiness. As long as you can afford it, wait for a better offer.
Marys last blog post..When?
Sometimes Executive Assistant positions pay pretty damn well. But, the commute would suck. LOTS!
Rhis last blog post..Is it hot in here?
I concur that the job in the suburbs would not be a good fit. I’ve commuted that long and while it’s an hour some days, its likely 2 on Fridays and 6 on snow days. Don’t go back for the test just tell them that you don’t think you are a good fit. DO NOT feel bad.
Crossing fingers for the job downtown.
JRMs last blog post..Blue Mountain
Absolutely you should go with your gut. If your heart is not in it, you WILL end up hating the job and being totally miserable.
I’m sending good vibes your way that the other job comes through for you – – it sounds like it would be a MUCH better match with your writing skillz, yo . . . 😛
Liz J in Central Illinoiss last blog post..Slow Going
I’m thinking good thoughts here…for the one you
WANT, not the one that, EH….
Rees last blog post..More Tales from the Track
I’m with everyone else — don’t take the Suburbs Job. Just tell them you don’t think it’s the right fit. You owe them nothing, other than a polite thank you for their time.
Jen on the Edges last blog post..Hermione Granger and Smurfette
Take it from someone who cannot stand her job. Better no job than one you hate. Because once you hate your job you will start hating everything else too. It’s not worth it.
curlatini, esq.s last blog post..3 AM and I was wide awake
I’m saying go with your gut. You’ve got to find a job you’re going to be happy with. Besides, that commute in winter would be killer, and that’s even without the high gas prices. There’s something better out there yet. I hope it’s the writing job you’re testing for tomorrow!
Evil Geniuss last blog post..I’d Like to Thank the Academy….
I’m with everyone else. Good luck for the interview for the ‘real’ job. If you took the other one who knows how long you’d be stuck there out of loyalty?
Willows last blog post..Not exactly an Olympic post
You need to do whatever makes you happy, yo.
Angellas last blog post..Always Be My Baby
I’m sorry I’m so behind on your posts! Woo boy, sounds like you’re in a tough spot. I think you definitely should go with your gut on the EA job. If it doesn’t feel “just right” now, it probably won’t feel “just right” later. I hope your interview went well today! Can’t wait to hear about it.
Katies last blog post..Maybe I Am a Winette
Go with your gut as ridiculously scary as it seems. Take it from someone who also commutes in relatively nice weather, nothing can make you hate your job quicker than traffic.
She Likes Purples last blog post..Everything Changes
When you phone them, in addition to the “sorry and overqualified” nonsense, throw in the “I’m afraid I wouldn’t give the job my best effort, and that you would be in the same position a year from now because…”
As everyone else has said, I think you have to go with your gut on this one, or you’ll just end up stuck in a job you don’t like, which will stop you being hired for your aforementioned mad writing skillz. Which, yes, you should totally be hired for!
Ambers last blog post..What We Did on the Weekend
Wait for it, sister. Catfood isn’t so bad anyway 😉
Kimberly/ MommaKs last blog post..Don’t Make Me Smack You Right Here on this Escalator
I concur, go with your gut. The people may be nice, but nice people don’t pay the bills.
Sensibly Sassys last blog post..Happy Blogoversary To Me!
Don’t do it! I did the commuting thing for a job I didn’t even like that much and I was totally overqualified for and it just about killed me. I started getting monthly migraines that lasted over a week at a time, I was sick almost always and it just sucked all the joy and happiness out of me. It’s not worth it. If you have the cushion, take the time to find something that makes you happy.
Grammar Geeks last blog post..GMC, not just a car company
If you already have an inkling you won’t like the job, don’t take it. Hold out for the job you really want and know you would feel fulfilled, like this other job you are describing. Besides, gas is only going to get more expensive.
You definitely gave a bunch of cons for that first job. Unless it pays a gazillion to make up for the gas and stress, don’t take it!
Scarlets last blog post..Bring It All Down
You should always trust your gut. It will never lead you astray and people don’t listen to it enough. Go for the job that you WANT. Like you said you can always collect unemployment!
Sarahs last blog post..True Story
I don’t think that’s so bad. You went to college right? You don’t need a job that makes you take an Excel test.
Exs last blog post..A Little Clarification. Literally.
Skip the lameo suburb job. Go with your gut! Even if you don’t get the dream job then at least you’ll have unemployment and maybe another dream job will come along. I’ve been thinking about you lately….I hope you are doing well.
Only 2 days as of today right?
Kristies last blog post..Big boy school
Lie to them. At least, that’s what I would do. (and remember, I am a piece of shit, so maybe take that advice with a grain of salt)
I know it sucks that they have to start the hunt all over again, but that commute will kill you. And you’ll have to start the job hunt again when you get frustrated and quit.
And you never know, they may not find someone to fill the position and eventually you might want to work for them (who knows, it could happen). If that were to happen you will be happy you lied to them and said that you had another offer and not that you originally lied about the commute.
I’ve had a lot of caffeine so if I’m not making sense that’s my excuse.
regans last blog post..the decision at hand for New Orleans
I think you answered your own question. Don’t you agree?
Hanks last blog post..On Blogging
Girl, go for the gold. IMO – ditch the E/A job and just see what happens Wednesday. THINK POSITIVE!
Lyss last blog post..Lovin’ These Tracks…
My fingers and toes are crossed for you to get the job you want!
Good luck 🙂
Sounds like your decision is made – decline job one and go for the writing job – it sounds so much more like you and you’ll be happy – ie – you’ll rock that job!!
I know it’s hard to tell the truth – but I would highly recommend that you just tell your recruiter – or whomever you’ve had the most contact with that you’ve thought it over and the commute is just too much for you right now. Hey – you never know, down the road they may have something else that WOULD be worth the drive – don’t burn a bridge!
Good luck!!
Jills last blog post..Can’t stop thinking about . . .
In the end you have to go with your gut. What if you sacrifice to please them now, and then you’re unhappy? Then you would either leave after they spend even more time training you or, worse, would stay on and be miserable, which means you might not do the job as well as you would otherwise. After all, who puts his or her whole heart into something they hate? And as for the winter driving, I am totally, completely with you on that one. I HATE to drive on snowy roads. I’ve had too many close calls, and the prospect just terrifies me.
Good luck with the job search and the decision making!
Caryn Caldwells last blog post..Thou Shalt Not Swim on Sundays