Why I’ll Never Be In Politics

| August 31, 2011

When I got out of college, I had big aspirations. I was going to be the first female PR Director in the NFL. That goal was shattered like the next year when I realized there was a female PR Director at the Washington Redskins. But still. I had goals! And was going to bust some […]


| June 28, 2011

You can add Rahm to any word and make it a whole other awesome word – Rahm-some, Rahm-mantic, Rahm-citing, Rahm-tacular! Don’t try and correct me. There is no use. It’s a Rahm-mendment. (Now I’m like Henrietta Pussycat from Mr. Rogers who used “meow-meow” as every word in the English language.) Anyway, since I’ve been out […]

Why I Shouldn’t Be Allowed In Public

| April 5, 2011

So I got a new job, didya hear? I wanted to share a glimpse into my life and why sometimes I think that either a) I should have my own TV show or b) why I should be kept inside at all times. At a meeting last week at work, the following conversation occurred: Me: […]

The Adventure Begins!

| April 3, 2011

I have survived a whole week at my new job! And, I haven’t quit, nor have I wanted to quit. Let’s just say, I’m super excited about it, even more so than I was before I started. Finally, after years of searching for the right job, I think I have found it. I’m pretty sure […]

My Last Monday

| March 21, 2011

If you don’t follow me on Twitter, then you probably aren’t aware of my news. Well, here you go – today was the last Monday I will work at my current job. That’s right, kids, I GOT A NEW JOB! /smattering of applause If you know me outside this blog at all, you know this […]