Sun Devil Saturday

| November 8, 2014

Feels awesome to be a Sun Devil today! Even after they almost gave me a heart attack. 8-1!!!

I Guess I’m A Runner Now

| April 23, 2012

As I mentioned in my last post, I had a race on Saturday that was 4.2 miles long. It was the Chicago Shadow Run of Pat’s Run that was going on at the same time in Tempe, AZ. It’s pretty cool – the main race is like 30,000 people running in Tempe and finishing on […]

Do You Take This Sun Devil?

| November 21, 2007

I am a Sun Devil. Loud and proud. Did I mention LOUD? I never knew what school spirit was until I started college. In high school, we just kind of sucked all around in pretty much every sport. Our football team went to the playoffs one year, I think. But having to march at EVERY. […]