Return of The Snark*

Posted By on October 22, 2012

So. Hello.

I can’t even pretend I haven’t posted in almost three months. And I feel like there should be some explanation for my absence, but as always, there is not. I am just lazy and tired and, and, and, and one hundred other excuses.

Sometimes you just need a break from something. I have been doing this for six years (Friday was my 6th blogiversary, holy crap!). I had nothing else to say and I would rather spend my evenings watching crap TV. So I just let this little place on the interwebs go dormant.

I recently just thought about shutting it down. Although, I’m not sure how that works. I mean, “shutting it down” would probably mean doing exactly what I’ve done since August. Nothing. No need to make a sweeping announcement. Especially since that usually means that I would have some sort of spark the next day and want to write.

But last Friday I was talking with Sali about blogging. Because we are nerds like that. Actually, she was speaking at a session on writing and content at Blissdom Canada and we were brainstorming ideas and what to talk about, etc. Sali is really good about writing and sharing. I don’t know how she does it, since she has three kids and a dog and a house and a job. But she makes that time for herself. She was the best person to speak in that session because she gets it. She’s not monetizing or looking to be a brand ambassador, she loves writing and sharing stories about her life. And she’s really good at it.

As we were chatting, I was inspired! For the first time in a long, long time. I was like “I want to actually post on my blog! Huzzah!” And now I am. So there we go. Her session at least sparked the creativity of one person.

So now you get to hear about all my exciting whinings and ramblings yet again! Like about how I fell off the exercising bandwagon! And how I’m eating Paleo and will literally talk your ear off about how CARBS ARE THE DEVIL! And I turned 35! And my blog got hacked!

But those will have to wait until tomorrow. Because this has already exhausted me. My blogging stamina is not what it used to be.

*I have had “Return of the Mack” in my head all day because of this. And I don’t even know who The Mack is. It isn’t Mac 10. Apparently it is Mark Morrison, according to Wikipedia.

About the author

Kristabella, who also answers to “Hey! Drunk Girl!”, is a reformed band geek with an amazing ability to drink most people under the table. You can read her inane ramblings here, where she talks about her exciting life as a spinster with two cats and a fascination for Bacon.


6 Responses to “Return of The Snark*”

  1. Angella says:

    Yay!!! You’re one of my favorite people, both online and off. 🙂
    Angella´s last blog post ..Spending Time With My People

  2. gorillabuns says:

    I’m glad your back!

  3. Beckie says:

    Welcome back! It’s about fuckin time!!! (read: I missed you! In a totes non stalker way)

  4. Candy says:

    Yay! Glad to see you’re back. I’ve been thinking more and more about starting again myself, but…I dunno…something holds me back. Maybe you will inspire me, girl.
    Candy´s last blog post ..So it’s time…

  5. YAY! Glad to see you back! Now I guess I need to go back and dust off my blog and post some more…..
    Liz J in Central Illinois´s last blog post ..INSANITY…….

  6. Pam says:

    oh, thank G-d, you’re back! I’ve missed you so! (and yeah, that sounds stalker-y, since we’ ve never met, but I’d like to! and will buy you wine, if that’s Paleo-approved!)