The Jerk Store Called, They’re Out Of You

Posted By on November 29, 2010

Did everyone have a wonderful Thanksgiving? Mine was lovely, thanks for asking. Although I had to work on Friday, I got to work from home in my PJs, which is always a mighty fine thing. It was nice to have a break from the daily grind for sure.

I started a new tradition at Thanksgiving this year – MIMOSAS!

I going to go ahead and say this was the best idea I’ve ever had. I even tricked my Gram into having one, which probably wasn’t the smartest thing I’ve ever done since she’s wobbly stone cold sober.


The following was a conversation that happened on Thanksgiving. I’m still kind of amazed by the awkwardness.

My Mom: I got a new alarm clock! It tells time! It was $17.99! And has TWO alarms! It’s fancy! $17.99! $17.99! $17.99!!!

Me: Was it made it 1799 or something?

(roars of laughter through the crowd)

Person X: Ha, that’s funny. Did you just think of that off the top of your head?

Me: *blinks* *blink* *blink* *blinks*

Me: Um, yes.

So, did this person think I was George Costanza and just had a litany of jokes in my head? Like I was just waiting for someone to make a comment about 1799? DON’T HATE BECAUSE I’M WITTIER THAN YOU!


I made a pie. It was delicious.

The filling is peanut butter, cream cheese and whipped cream. It was so good I could have eaten just that.


The best part about Thanksgiving, after the booze and the stuffing? This girl!

Clearly taking after her Auntie already. Can you believe she’s almost 6 months old already? Where does the time go?


Overall, it was a great holiday and a nice relaxing weekend. How was your long weekend internet?

About the author

Kristabella, who also answers to “Hey! Drunk Girl!”, is a reformed band geek with an amazing ability to drink most people under the table. You can read her inane ramblings here, where she talks about her exciting life as a spinster with two cats and a fascination for Bacon.


9 Responses to “The Jerk Store Called, They’re Out Of You”

  1. Mahnee says:

    Mimosas are the new tradition…and your pie! It was too good for words.

  2. Lisa says:

    oh, I love me some cute babies. That baby is adorable.
    Lisa´s last blog post ..New shoes

  3. -R- says:

    I can’t believe your niece is so big already!

    I really want a mimosa right now. Actually, I was even craving champagne last night. Anyway, I think that was a great tradition to start!
    -R-´s last blog post ..Fears

  4. Angella says:

    No long weekend here in Canada. Or pie. Or mimosas. Boo.

    I can’t believe that she’s so big already!
    Angella´s last blog post ..Action Packed

  5. Alice says:

    look at her cheeeeeeks! omg.

    my mom has been introducing more and more alcohol into our family gatherings, starting earlier & earlier. 2pm is now “cava (or prosecco) time” whenever we’re all home. i approve.
    Alice´s last blog post be fair- we dont KNOW he wasnt a poodle herder

  6. Fairy Godmother says:

    The mimosas were wonderful. I vote we have them all the time! Uncle Bob loved the pie too!

  7. Rhi says:

    I am so glad you finally got to use that joke. 😉

  8. Lori says:

    Look at those cheekers! She is adorable.

    And can you send me that pie recipe, please…I’m drooling over here. Thx!

  9. regan says:

    I’m going to need that pie recipe, please.
    regan´s last blog post ..drivers ed