I Want One.
Posted By Kristabella on June 20, 2010
I’m tired. It is typical Sunday night tiredness. The tiredness that comes from my brain remembering that tomorrow we have to go to work. And we no longer get to sleep in.
But this is a different kind of tired. Because I went to my sister’s house this weekend to hang out with my new baby girl, Maddie!
She will be two weeks old on Tuesday, so she’s pretty much the same baby that I met the day she was born. She eats, sleeps, cries bloody murder when she has to have her diaper changed, and poops. Pretty typical for a newborn.
She is a little spoiled. She only likes to sleep while being held. I’m sure she misses the womb she was ripped out of. My sister will probably be a little irritated with this sleeping habit, but as the favorite Auntie, I LOVE EVERY MINUTE OF IT!
One little squeak out of her, and I was right there to pick her up!
My sister needed to run to the mall to get Father’s Day gifts, so I happily offered to watch her while my sister went out by herself. We ended up both napping on the couch while watching TV and it was the greatest way I can think of to spend a Saturday afternoon.
She is a lot more alert than she was the day she was born. She opens her eyes more. So now I have photos of her with her eyes open. All dressed up for Father’s Day!
She had a bit of a goopy eye. Probably just a blocked tear duct, which is common with new babies. My sister was worried and said “I think that is doctor, goopy.” And I have been calling her Dr. Goopy all weekend. She’s my little goopy goober. Goopy gumdrop! The Goop!
And Goopy even got me a present!
It has been so long since we’ve had a baby in the family. I’m so excited to spoil another little niece. I can’t wait to watch her grow up and see what an amazing little person she becomes.
And after spending this weekend with her, I really can’t wait to have one of my own someday. Someday soon.
So how was your weekend? What? I can’t hear you over that CLOCK TICKING SOUND!
Oh, she’s so sweet! One of my best friends just had twins 3 weeks ago. I swear I’ve been over there every other day snuggling them both. I’m usually fine w/the fact that I’ve never conned anyone into knocking me up. My mantra is it’ll happen…eventually. But every time I pick them up and snuggle I swear my ovaries twitch. Traitors.
Just Shireen´s last blog post ..Don’t Ask…Or Do*
I looooooove being an Auntie! Isn’t it just the most wonderful thing? My nephew will be 1 on July 1st and my niece turned 3in April. I miss them as little teeny babies, but now that they’re becoming “real” people, it’s even more fun! I hope to have children someday, but for now those little guys make me pretty damn happy.
Stevie´s last blog post ..Photo Challenge
we visited my sister and her brand-new baby this weekend as well….I had my 3 in tow, and holding that sweet little baby all I could think of was I NEED ANOTHER ONE. And my youngest isn’t even a year old until next week. 🙂
She is very sweet! I love babies.
HA! I knew evern though you got home kinda late yesterday and had to be tired that you’d post pictures of Goopy. I like that name.
I miss her already, too.
That clock is pretty loud, or it could just be mine clock ticking that I hear. Too bad I have to find a guy to help with this whole baby process or I would have 3 or 4 by now!
She is THE SWEETEST. Oh my word.
Angella´s last blog post ..How It All Ended
She’s darling! You’re going to be such an excellent mom someday 🙂
Operation Pink Herring´s last blog post ..Recommitted
OK, after reading this post i am about to go roaming through.. i don’t know.. the mall, or something? and just FIND BABIES and STEAL THEM so i can hold them and nuzzle them for a while. gaaaaaaaarrrghhh (<– that is the sound of my ovaries yelling at me to FIND BABIES)
Alice´s last blog post ..don’t read this post if contact lens talk makes you squicky
Oh my goodness, she’s adorable! And she got you WINE! Perfect 🙂
Amber´s last blog post ..Homecoming
Well, no one told me you get WINE when you get knocked up! I would do it for gifts and prizes.
thecoconutdiaries´s last blog post ..Lady Ganja
She is so cute… As you drink the wine, just imagine that before you turn around she will be drinking wine with you! As an only child, I only have drinking buddies (oops nieces and nephews) through marriage, but I do have a baby cousin. It seems like yesterday he was a little baby. Now, as a senior in high school he facebooks me to find out if he can take his “friend” to the beach / my house for “her” birthday.
hilary´s last blog post ..I’ll take some common sense, and please make it a double!
the baby smell is what gets me every time! Your so lucky you get to snuggle that little angel!
Sensibly Sassy´s last blog post ..Remembering Rosie One Year Later
You know what’s crazy? I just had one and I’m still sitting here thinking that I WANT ONE TOO. I think the “this is my last baby” thing is hitting me and I’m looking at that baby who is all of five days younger than mine thinking IT’S ALL GOING TOO FAST!!!
Oh, and mine has the goopy eye/ blocked tear duct thing going on. We’re massaging with a wash cloth daily, but I honestly think it’s harder on me than it is on her.
Mama Bub´s last blog post ..I’m in SO much trouble, aren’t I?