Walk Away The Pounds

Posted By on April 6, 2010

Tonight was the first night I went walking for exercise in a long time. In fact, I realized when I got home that I had not done any kind of exercise since I have been in my condo. I shall remind all of you all that I closed on my condo last April. I have lived here almost a whole year. A whole year! NO WONDER MY PANTS DO NOT FIT!

I’ve been saying for a long, long time that it was time to get back on the wagon, the living healthy wagon. I needed to stop eating so much crap and I needed to start working out again. Clearly it has been all talk. Until tonight. Tonight I FINALLY stopped talking and actually did something.

The weather here has been so nice. We’re having an actual spring and being outside isn’t miserable. I figure I need to take advantage of this while I can before it either starts snowing again or it is as hot as Hades.

So tonight I decided that instead of stopping at the pharmacy on my way home to get my prescription, I would walk to CVS to pick it up. I figured it was about a 3 mile walk round trip, which isn’t a ton, but a shit ton more than I’ve done in the last year. The weather was so warm and my only hope was to make it there and back without getting caught in the thunderstorms they were calling for.

I almost lost my nerve. When I got home and saw my couch, man, all I wanted to do was sit down and catch up on my DVR. But I didn’t! I changed into my workout clothes! I even then almost lost my nerve, debated just getting in the car and driving to CVS, but I DID NOT! I pulled through! I told my laziness to fuck off!

It was a really nice walk. The weather was warm and beautiful. And it was new scenery, since I had not walked around anywhere near my new house. As I got to CVS, the temperature started to drop. I figured it might be because I was closer to the lake (a whole FOUR BLOCKS CLOSER). Well, I PRAYED that was the reason because it was like 80 when I left my house so all I was wearing was a t-shirt and shorts.

Clearly I was wrong. I’ve paid enough attention to the weather to know that usually when they are predicting big storms, the temp drops. In fact, I even KNEW it was going to get cooler. Turns out I didn’t know when it was going to get cooler. And I didn’t expect it to happen in the middle of my walk home.

It was pretty chilly. It forced me to keep up a decent pace, which was good. I had brought money with me, since I had picked up my prescription, so I half thought about taking the bus. In fact, I was at a busy intersection, waiting for the light to change so I could cross and I saw my bus coming up the street. I seriously considered getting on it and just taking that home and calling it a day. But I didn’t! WHAT HAS COME OVER ME?

Thankfully the cold wasn’t too bad. I mean it wasn’t ideal, but it also wasn’t snowing and my teeth weren’t chattering. I was glad to get home, though, and be inside where it wasn’t so windy and cool.

But I did it! I actually did some physical exercise. ALERT THE MEDIA!

And now you’ll have to excuse me, I need to go make my lunch for tomorrow and I’m pretty sure it will take me about an hour to get to the kitchen. See how far away it is?

About the author

Kristabella, who also answers to “Hey! Drunk Girl!”, is a reformed band geek with an amazing ability to drink most people under the table. You can read her inane ramblings here, where she talks about her exciting life as a spinster with two cats and a fascination for Bacon.


18 Responses to “Walk Away The Pounds”

  1. Jenn says:

    Woot woot! Way to go! I have to say, though, I half-expected this to end in some sort of wet t-shirt type of scenario. Glad you made it home safe and dry!
    .-= Jenn´s last blog ..Oh, For the Love of Bike… =-.

  2. Just Shireen says:

    Yay you! I keep saying the same thing, that I’m going to get off my lazy butt and exercise. I finally did last week. Getting the motivation to actually do it and follow through is always the hardest part for me. So congrats on getting out there and doing it!
    .-= Just Shireen´s last blog ..Don’t Ask…Or Do* =-.

  3. Mahnee says:

    I made it home yesterday before the temp dropped…but I had my jacket with &^ jeans on so I would have been OK. YAY for the walk!!!!! I need to get busy doing SOMETHING too!!! I still have BL trainer Bob’s yoga DVD that I’ve never tried…oh, wait…DVD player isn’t working…guess I’ll have to think about walking…maybe get off the bus a couple stops further???? Baby steps. Baby steps.

  4. Jen says:

    Congrats on the walking! I am glad you made it home without buckets of water being dumped on your head. It’s so funny because on my walk to & from the gym I pass both a bakery and a candy store…I would be lying if I said I didn’t give in to the temptation to have a cheese danish or some Jelly Bellies on my way home. I earned it!

  5. lceel says:

    Shocking. Although … tee shirt and shorts, huh? Hmmmm. Thank you, for the pleasant visualization.
    .-= lceel´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday – Oxford =-.

  6. Angella says:

    You’re so cute. 🙂

    Good for you, lady! If you weren’t a five-hour flight away, I’d join you for some evening walks. 🙂
    .-= Angella´s last blog ..Lance and Natalie, Sitting In A Tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G =-.

  7. thewino says:


    Good for you. That is so hard to do, and DAMN, three miles is nothing to shake a stick at!

  8. Amber says:

    I’m so jelaous of your Spring – I can’t actually remember what that’s like any more! Well done for getting back on the exercise bandwagon: I always find actually persuading myself to leave the house is the hardest part!
    .-= Amber´s last blog ..Firefighting =-.

  9. I really wish I could walk places from my house. It’s the thing I miss most about living in the city. Sigh. Suburbia.
    .-= nancypearlwannabe´s last blog ..Time Out =-.

  10. Kerri Anne says:

    Getting out the door is the HARDEST part. Good jo(r)b, babe!
    .-= Kerri Anne´s last blog ..Remembering =-.

  11. bikerchick says:

    Hooray for you! I also got caught out last night– must have been at the same time. Left work in the Loopy Loop @ 5 with my raincoat wide open, almost humid. By the time my weight training class was over at 7:30 it was windy and cold as a mofo. Who knew? I also rushed home for the comfort of my couch, but not before a stop at Tar-jhay to pick up some cleaner and-oh-yes-I-do-deserve-some-cookies! So much for being a good girl…

  12. slynnro says:

    I went to run outside tonight and I just about got blown away by the wind. Er, Dallas- YOU ARE NOT THE WINDY CITY.

  13. mouncie123 says:

    Good Job! I started last week walked every day since Sunday not one walk…ugh where did the motivation go??>>

  14. Moose says:

    YOU ARE THE FITNESS QUEEN! And maybe you could get a small pig to trot back and forth from the kitchen bringing you snacks.
    .-= Moose´s last blog ..Recent Highlights, Most Of Which Seem To Include Beer =-.

  15. Emily says:

    Awesome! Getting there is the hardest part! I would never admit it in person, but I sometimes sleep in my workout clothes…now, that doesn’t mean I get to the gym, but I like to think it increases my odds!

  16. Mama Bub says:

    Yay for starting! I have big mental plans for all of the working out I’m going to do to lose the baby weight. It’s very easy to say those things when I know the start date is still months away!
    .-= Mama Bub´s last blog ..Team Why Mommy’s Virtual Science Fair =-.

  17. Good for you! I have been getting lazier and lazier as I age. I guess it’s because I spent the better part of 20 years dedicated to powerlifting.
    .-= The Urban Cowboy´s last blog ..Ten reasons why putting on a condom equals jail =-.