Maybe Now I Can Talk About Other Things
Posted By Kristabella on February 10, 2009
When we last left our house-hunting heroine, she was in the process of possibly putting down an offer. And making it all REAL. And hoping her brother didn’t find any serious problems with her dream condo because she loved it and she didn’t want to have to murder him right there in said condo. I’m pretty sure that wouldn’t help the re-sale. Plus, the developer probably makes you pay more to get blood out of hardwood.
Well, good news people! My brother and sister-in-law loved it! My brother did a fine inspection and Noah and Skyler ran around and came close to falling off the balcony. Not really, but you can never be sure with them. Skyler even tested out the toilet and it seems to be working just fine.
So, we’re all set! I put my offer in on Saturday. We (and by we, I mean my rock star realtor) did some fine negotiating work and we came to an excellent agreement. I’m getting an awesome deal and I can’t wait to move in! I officially close on March 31, pending all the other things that go into it like attorney reviews and inspections and making sure the bank really will give me the money! I’m sure they’ll be all “GOTCHA! We were never really going to loan you money! Good luck with your housing search!”
I have my inspection on Wednesday evening. I have my attorney and he’s going to be looking at the contract and he actually said he loves real estate law and he plans to talk me through the whole contract, piece by piece. And that made me just want to kiss him through the phone. Because I feel I am in very capable hands.
I would like to go off on a bit of a tangent right here. I know this process isn’t over and there is still much paperwork and waiting and other things I don’t know about to happen. But I have to say, I could not be happier with this whole process. I cannot sing the praises of my realtor enough. She is GOOD at what she does. And she has all the patience in the world for first-time buyers. And she has only my very best interests in mind. The people she deals with are all top notch and I am so much smarter from this experience because of her.
Even the lender I am going to end up using made me feel much better about the process. The first guy was nice, but he made it seem like he was doing me a favor by giving me money and scared me about even starting the process. The new guy, he was so nice and walked me through the whole process and closing costs and everything that goes along with it. He even calculated out my monthly payments for me. And I’m getting a much better deal.
Obviously this is a very scary process. Believe me, I haven’t slept much since this all started. I mean, what idiot buys a house in a recession? I am scared every day that I will lose my job. And then I won’t have to worry about getting evicted, I’ll have to worry about losing my house and my shirt. Not that I didn’t worry about those things before I ventured into house buying. But this is just added stress.
But one thing I’ve learned is you can lose your job any time. And I just can’t live in fear of that. Because Nexium or no Nexium, that kind of worrying will burn a hole right in your stomach. Now if I could just start believing that.
I have to keep telling myself that I’ve bounced back before. I’ve always come out the other side JUST FINE. And if anything were to happen, I am confident that I will be fine. I’m a tough bitch and I have had to endure many craptastic things in my life. If anything were to happen, I’m not going down without a fight. I will fight my way through the next obstacle like I have all the ones in the past. I am resilient. And not above taking seven part-time jobs to pay my mortgage, if need be.
And now with that out of the way, I can go back to being over-the-moon-excited! I really am so happy with my new place. I’m excited that I’m doing this all on my own. I’m really proud of myself that I’ve taken on such a big undertaking, one I didn’t know much about, and have come out of it with an awesome first home and am much, much wiser about the whole process. I’m thankful that I know so many people who have been through this and have answered my silly questions and dealt with all my talk of this and nothing else.
Now, knock on wood, I won’t be mentioning anything else about it until I close and it is a done deal. And then expect plenty of posts about my new place. I am already crafting and Ode to My Washer and Dryer and a limerick about my dishwasher.
To which Bacon says “Put the ‘B’ in BLT” where B stand for bedroom, one that he will have all to himself in the new pad. (Just don’t tell him he has to share it with the cats. He will be devastated.)
Also, I’m guest posting over here today. So go over and read about my thoughts on Facebook.
Yeah for your new house. I can’t wait to hear more about it!
Melissas last blog post..When The Moon Hits Your Face Like a Big Pizza Pie That’s Called Acne….
First of all, SMART people buy houses during a recession. You are likely getting a better deal than you could of a few months ago. And yes, it’s stressful and all of that – but you should be SO, SO proud of yourself. I’m so excited for you – while this is a huge step, it’s a step in the right direction. And you know, I’m a pro because I’m married to a real estate agent that’s renting right now…but only because we are so overwhelmed by our options! Seriously though, congratulations! Chicago is my second favorite city and I know it’s a great place to call home.
TUWABVBs last blog post..Neglect
And I meant “could have,” not “could of.” The nuns from my past just beat my knuckles with a ruler.
TUWABVBs last blog post..Neglect
Congrats!!!! I’m so excited for you. I love buying new houses and getting settled in them. Truly, I do. Otherwise, why would I foolishly BUILD one during a recession?
It’s just the moving that I hate.
Can’t wait to see all the photos of you getting all Martha Stewart-y in the new place.
Jen on the Edges last blog post..Am I too old for Facebook?
I just heard that Obama wants to give everyone buying a house a $15,000 tax credit.
Dutchess of Kickballs last blog post..Sweet and Sour
Bacon will learn to love sharing a bedroom. It’s good preparation for when he goes off to college and gets a slutty, drunk roommate!
nancypearlwannabes last blog post..Testing… Testing…
Yay! How exciting!
tmcs last blog post..It’s ok if you call me a bag lady
Congratulations!!! You are so much more brave then I am with the whole house buying thing. I keep telling myself between trying to diet and doing eharmony to find a man maybe I just don’t have time. Excuses.
So I read your post on Jen on the edge and let me tell you I relate! I hated High School why in the heck do i want to be your friend on Facebook? Also, what about those girls who were three or four years younger than me that now have 4 kids, married, and I can’t even find a man? What does that say about me? Sure I have a better job and left our home town, but ego blow much? And the poking and drinks what the crap? i don’t get it, but obviously I must not be cool.
I’m just so glad someone else feels the same way!!!
I am beyond happy for you! I think you are smart to buy a place, because you’d just be paying rent anyway. Now you get something that is YOURS!
Angellas last blog post..Mad At Dad?
I am so happy for ya! I can’t wait to see pictures!
sensibly sassys last blog post..Book Worm
Yay!!! So excited for you. You must be over the moon. And now you have to buy FURNITURE! Yippee!
Candys last blog post..In Which I Speak Proudly of the Fruit of my Loins (and Wonder if Women Have Loins)
Ooh, exciting! Also, March 31st is my wedding anniversary, so it’s a day for good things to happen π I also think now is probably a good time to buy, if you possibly can – looking forward to reading about the move!
Ambers last blog post..Two heads are not necessarily better than one
Should anything bad happen, I bet you could house people over BlogHer and make plenty of money that way. I would stay at the Full of Snark B&B.
Congratulations! That’s awesome. I heart my dishwasher so much it’s insane, so I look forward to hearing your ode to yours.
I have mad “what if my husband gets laid off we just bought a house oh my gawd” stress but I try not to let it run my life or make me love my tiny little house any less. It sucks, but what can you do?
Elizabeths last blog post..How To Become a Runner
Huzzah! That IS very exciting! I want to see lots of pictures!
Amanda Nicoles last blog post..and then he pretended like nothing happened
So happy for you! Can’t wait to visit sometime.
gabe is very big on trying to get me to NOT think about the “what ifs” i.e., maybe i shouldn’t buy this place. WHAT IF i lose my job? you can’t think that way…you just have to go with it. if you lose your job, you’ll deal π in the meantime…YOU BOUGHT SOMETHING! AWESOME!
alis last blog post..bubble girl
Congrats, dahlin’! That’s so exciting!!!!
Mariannes last blog post..Ask Me About Weaning…
Congrats! Take lots of pictures to share with us and have fun decorating your new place.
Oh my gosh, CONGRATULATIONS!! I am so happy everything worked out and that you are buying your dream condo. I’m thrilled for you π
La Petite Chics last blog post..St. Lucia and Barbados
That’s awesome. Congratulations!
Zandors last blog post..Iβm only kind of sorry.
Congrats to you! How exciting for you!
Liz J in Central Illinoiss last blog post..I Love This
Congrats congrats congrats!!!! Home ownership is both awesome and terrifying. I love the idea of starting fresh – you get to pick out paint and curtains and all sorts of shit!!Hope the move goes well!
slynnros last blog post..Now This? This IS Grace In A Small Thing.
Delurking to say yes for recession houses! My boyfriend and I are house hunting right now too and half the people we tell look at us like we’re crazy and the other half tell us now is the time to buy! The hardest part has been actually finding houses for sale. I think with the economy the way it is people are just holding on to whatever they can.
Juliennes last blog post..Almost grief.
Next you get to pack!
You’re getting a great deal I’m sure and you should get the fantastic tax credit from the stimulus package. You’re making the right decision.
Saras last blog post..Secret Chicken Recipe Moved to Higher Security
Yay! That is so awesome! You are going to love owning your own place!
-R-s last blog post..Lessons Learned
Congratulations!!!! I am so happy and excited for you! You’re one hell of a woman! Can’t wait to see it. Yes I would even consider leaving the boondocks to go into Chicago to see it.
Woo hoo! Congrats! π
You’re not stupid for buying during the recession — it’s a buyer’s market. If we didn’t have a condo to sell in the process, we’d definitely be looking at houses right now (although then I’d likely have to borrow your Nexium for stomach-eating stress monster… ).
Chibi Jeebss last blog post..Meme Monday/Bits ‘n Bites
Congrats on your pad purchase!!! Now you have to plan a housewarming party…
Sheris last blog post..Facebook Addiction and Being Alone
Rees last blog post..Back in the Saddle Again
Wow. You’re officially a…GROWN-UP. I feel so left behind!
Camels & Chocolates last blog post..Driving Me Crazy
i think this deserves a “you go girl!” or something like that. sounds awesome. you are one tough bitch. it is a nice mantra.
micheles last blog post..GO STEELERS!
ha ha ha. i just posted on jen on the edge’s blog that i could so relate. Great post! Love your blog.
And duchess: i’ll be so agljagjlagjlkad mad if Obama does that AFTER i survived the refi/moving/cohabitating involving a home my fiance owned with his sister and previously with an ex. will i count for the credit, pleeeasseee? can’t do this again!
good luck! i’m sitting here in OUR living room on MY chair as proof that even when it seems like it never will, it DOES happen. You settle in, you build a new environment, you feel HoME.
WASHWORDSs last blog post..X365, Ex Edition, Day 3